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Title: | 我國與韓國代理教師勞動權益之比較研究 A comparative study on the labor right of substitute teacher compensation in Taiwan and Korea |
Authors: | 黃琦鈁 Huang, Ci-Fang |
Contributors: | 王惠玲 Wang, Huei-Ling 黃琦鈁 Huang, Ci-Fang |
Keywords: | 代理教師 代課教師 勞動權益 substitute teacher labor rights |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:36:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年學校聘用代理教師成為常態,渠等勞動權益逐漸受到外界所重視,值得去深入研究。綜觀臺灣現行中央及各地方政府對於代理教師勞動權益之規定,及相關研究、法院判決等資料,實務上代理教師之聘僱、解聘、薪資待遇、請假與休假、及保險與退休權益確實存有保障不周之問題,包含聘期規定未能統一、致影響其後續薪資計算、年資採計及失業給付請領等;契約會因聘用原因消滅提前終止,存有不確定;本俸改敘規定、部分工時代理教師之薪資待遇、請假及休假規定不符均等原則等。因此,代理教師之勞動保障規定確實需進行檢討。 韓國教育體制與我國相近,且亦有聘用代理教師之機制,本研究透過比較兩國代理教師聘僱、解聘、薪資待遇、請假與休假、及保險與退休權益等四個面向勞動權益保障規定發現,兩者在代理教師勞動權益保障上,各有其優缺點,其中韓國針對聘任期間、契約提前終止、薪資俸等之改敘、休假日數計算基礎等有作較彈性之規定。 本研究依據比較臺灣與韓國代理教師勞動權益保障規定後所得之結論,提出聘任期間宜訂定統一規範,並隨聘用原因有不同處理;提前終止契約宜設預告期間機制;檢討代理教師計薪規定;休假日數之計算宜以契約期間為依據;檢討現行教師培育制度,由中央統籌訂定規範及管控代理教師運用人數等具體建議,期作為我國相關規定改進之參考。 In recent years, the common practice of schools hiring substitute teachers has led to increased awareness of the labor rights of substitute teachers, a topic meriting further discussion. This study provided an overview of current regulations governing the labor rights of substitute teachers formulated by the central and local governments of Taiwan and of relevant literature and court verdicts. The results reveal inadequacy in the regulations governing substitute teachers’ labor rights in relation to hiring and dismissal, salary, leave and vacation days, and insurance and retirement. Problems include inconsistencies among regulations on substitute teachers’ period of employment, leading to the miscalculation of substitute teachers’ salaries, tenures, and unemployment benefits. Furthermore, uncertainties persist in relation to the early termination of substitute teachers’ contracts when the circumstances in which they were hired change. The regulations governing the reclassification of their basic salaries, part-time salaries, leave, and vacation days violate equality principles. Therefore, a review of labor rights regulations in relation to the employment of substitute teachers is necessary. The education system of South Korea is similar to that of Taiwan; it also features mechanisms for the hiring of substitute teachers. This study compared the labor rights of substitute teachers in South Korea and Taiwan from the four dimensions of hiring and dismissal, salary, leave and vacation days, and insurance and retirement to compare their merits and shortcomings. The results showed that South Korea’s education system provides more flexible regulations pertaining to the employment period, early termination of employment contracts, the reclassification of basic income, and the calculation of leave days for substitute teachers. Based on the results of the aforementioned comparison, this study proposes the following: (1) standardized regulations for the substitute teacher employment periods that take into consideration the reasons for their hire, (2) advance notice period mechanisms for early termination of employment contracts, (3) a review of regulations on the calculation of substitute teachers’ salaries, (4) the calculation of vacation days for substitute teachers based on their employment periods, and (5) a review of current teacher cultivation mechanisms. Practical suggestions are provided that will serve as a reference for the central government regarding the establishment of regulations for the employment conditions of substitute teachers and for substitute teacher employment numbers in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 103262026 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103262026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001466 |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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