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Title: | 大學與地方政府的跨部門協力治理-以暨南大學承接南投縣食物銀行為例 Cross-sector Collaborative Governance between University and Local Government-the case of National Chi Nan University`s collaboration with Nantou County Government in the food bank program |
Authors: | 丁心淳 Ting, Hsin-Chun |
Contributors: | 魏玫娟 Wei, Mei-Chuan 丁心淳 Ting, Hsin-Chun |
Keywords: | 跨部門協力 契約委外 食物銀行 南投縣 烏溪線站食物銀行 暨南大學 Cross-sector Governance Contract Outsourcing Food Bank Nantou County Wuxi Line Food Bank Chi Nan University |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:33:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文採取半結構式訪談法與參與觀察法以暨南大學承接南投縣政府辦理的食物銀行計畫為討論個案,採用Bryson, Crosby, and Stone(2015)提出的跨部門協力分析架構與契約委外概念,探討南投縣政府與暨南大學在食物銀行中的互動網絡,並探究雙方在不同階段之協力過程、協力關係、影響協力成效的關鍵因素,試圖了解在契約委外下能否實現較為平等的跨部門協力關係。本文研究發現,對南投縣實物援助的跨部門協力網絡來說,行動者認為建立與維繫良好夥伴關係的四項關鍵因素為:「順暢的溝通」、「充沛的資源」、「信任的關係」、「明確的目標」,協力雙方是否具「夥伴關係」思維,是契約委外下能否促進協力網絡中的平等關係的關鍵。觀察本研究個案發現,協力過程中的治理模式並非呈現線性式、階段性的轉換,而是在跨部門協力治理的框架下同時吸納新公共管理與新公共服務的優勢,同時存在「市場治理模式」與「網絡治理模式」,呈現多元並進的動態互動關係。因此本文認為,在委外案中,新公共管理與新公共服務不一定是涉及「管理」與「服務」兩個價值原則之間的零和選擇;恰恰相反,本研究發現,兩者反而可以相互調和、相輔相成,在嚴謹的正式契約中保有關係治理的彈性,更能夠打造出穩定良好的協力關係。 This thesis aims to analyze cross-sector collaborations between local government and university, using the case of the collaboration between Chi Nan University and Nantou County Government in the food bank program by the semi-structured interview method and the participation observation method. The analytical framework adopted in this study is informed by the framework constructed by Bryson, Crosby, and Stone (2015) for analyzing cross-sector collaboration. The concept of contract outsourcing is employed as it is essential to this case study. The analysis focuses on the process and relationship of the collaboration with a view to finding the key factors that affect the effectiveness of synergy at different stages of the collaboration between the two parties. It seeks to understand whether a more equal cross-sector collaborative relationship is possible in this contract-outsourcing-based collaboration. Methods of semi-structured interview and participation observation are employed for this research. Based on the interviews, it is found out that for establishing and maintaining good partnership in this case include: good communication, abundant resources, trust, and clear goals. Besides, key to facilitating equal relationship in the cross-sector collaboration is whether the idea of partnership is valued and upheld by both parties. Observing the case study of this study, it is found that the governance model in the collaborative process does not show a linear and phased transformation from the New Public Management to the New Public Service model. Instead, it incorporates the advantages of both models. Elements of "market governance model" and "network governance model" are also found in the dynamic and interactive relationship between main actors in this cross-sector collaborative governance. It is concluded that as this case study has shown that measures informed by The New Public Management and The New Public Service may be needed for a cross-sector collaboration to work properly, and that flexibility is crucial for a stable and good collaboration based on equal partnership. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 106261009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1062610091 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001298 |
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