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Title: | 會展政治學的概念與實踐:「中國—東盟博覽會」的國際社會化分析 The Concept and the Practice of Exposition Politics: International Socialization Analysis of China—ASEAN Exposition |
Authors: | 蘇宥寧 Su, Yu-Ning |
Contributors: | 楊昊 Yang, Hao 蘇宥寧 Su, Yu-Ning |
Keywords: | 國際社會化 社會環境 中國—東盟博覽會 International socialization social environment China-ASEAN Exposition |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:32:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文提出會展政治學的概念,分析中共如何透過「中國—東盟博覽會」(本文簡稱東博會)作為社會環境與東協建立合作習慣、進而推動國際社會化。 隨著東博會自2004年起每年定期的舉辦,其功能不僅沒有隨著自貿區的建設完成而弱化,反而發展出足以涵蓋雙邊的政府、企業、民眾,相當全面性、且突破以往以東協為主導的中國—東協互動新模式。這三大行為者於東博會框架下的互動為中國與東協帶來政治、經濟與社會人文領域的成效,形成一個強大的供需結構,這也是東博會每年得以維持高規格並且形成多方參與榮景的原因。中國與東協雙方雖藉此滿足特定領域之需求,然隨著東博會的發展及其運作越來越成熟,卻日益突顯出東博會所隱含的中國於地方、區域以及全球的戰略意涵,分別為邊陲省分的經濟發展、與重點國家的陸海空連結以及經濟與技術上的輸出將使得東協可能調整其未來對外政策走向並逐漸與歐美脫鉤。 本文認為中國向東協推動的國際社會化的目的為塑造出「中國為主導」、「中國為機會」的新規範,但此過程並不如當初西方國家的社會化那樣順利,原因在於當時的社會化背景下,並無另一個可以與西方價值體系相抗衡的力量出現,而現今中美兩強的競爭各自代表不同的價值體系,這意味著被社會化者擁有更多的政策選擇空間,加上雖然中國得以滿足東協之特定利益與需求,但部分東協國家仍對中國的態度保有一定程度的自主性,這使得中國對東協社會化力量雖強大但仍不足。以上兩個因素削弱了中國單向的社會化力量,對於被社會化者來說,反而在多極的國際政治背景下,為自己增添了談判與協商優勢。 This paper proposes the concept of Exposition Politics to explain the international socialization driven by China in order to develop the habits of cooperation with ASEAN. China-ASAEN Exposition (CAEXPO) is considered as the social environment designed and led by China. The original purpose of CAEXPO was to fulfill China-AEAN Free Trade Area, and with the mission was completed in 2010, there were no signs of weaken operation or poor function of CAEXPO, on the contrary, it has developed a comprehensive interaction model between China and ASEAN. This China-led interaction model, instead of ASEAN-led, is a breakthrough, which encompasses three key actors between China and ASEAN, such as governments, enterprises and the public. The interaction among these three actors within the frame of CAEXPO brings fruitful results in politics, economics and social aspects, more importantly, it constitutes a supply-demand structure, which is strong and attractive enough for CAEXPO to be held for sixteen years consecutively and with attendance of high-level government officials every year. With the development and operation of CAEXPO can China and ASEAN meet certain needs and interests, but China’s hidden strategic implications at the local, regional and global level are increasingly obvious, such as economic developments of its border province, connections through land, sea and air ways with key countries in the area and the economic and technological outputs will lead ASEAN adjust its future foreign policy and decouple with the west countries. The purpose of China’s international socialization is aimed to shape the new norms of “China leads” and “China is an opportunity” , but we found that China-led international socialization is not as successful as past that led by the west world for two reasons. First, under the background of international socialization at that time, there was no other value system that could compete with the western value system, but today with the competitions between China and U.S., socializees have more room when it comes to foreign policy choice. Besides, even though China fulfills certain interests and needs of ASEAN, some of them remain a certain degree of independence in their attitudes toward China, which indicates that the international socialization force is not strong enough to waver ASEAN. These two reasons weaken the influence of China-led international socialization and allow socializees gain more edges of negotiation and discussion in the multipolar international system. |
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Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 105261008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1052610082 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001320 |
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