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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/131716

    Title: 社交媒體動員作為新型政治傳播:2017年雅加大選舉
    Social Media Mobilization as a New Form of Political Communication: A Case Study of Teman Ahok in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2017
    Authors: 馬安筠
    Putri, Andriani Pratama
    Contributors: 劉義鈞
    Liu, Yih-jiun
    Andriani Pratama Putri
    Keywords: 社交媒體
    Social Media Mobilization
    Teman Ahok
    DKI Jakarta Governor Election
    Political Communication
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:31:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2017年舉行的DKI雅加達州長選舉十分有趣。印尼有很多人認為雅加達DKI省長選舉可以媲美印尼總統選舉。在選舉中,「選舉州長就像選舉總統」。候選人Ahok需要獲得一定的支持,才能成為獨立候選人。「Teman Ahok」這個由一群年輕人創建的自發性組織,幫助Ahok收集了100萬名雅加達居民連署,順利完成提名。這項研究的重點是了解Teman Ahok如何實現他們的目標。這項研究還分析了他們的社交媒體如何動員以收集一百萬個居民連署。這項質性研究深度訪問了Teman Ahok的創始人、義工和支持者。這個研究探索了社交媒體在2017年雅加達民主共和國州長選舉過程中,社交媒體的動員在選舉策略與政治溝通上的作用。研究結果有助於未來的媒體動員相關政治議題研究。
    The DKI Jakarta governor election held in 2017 was fascinating. Many people in Indonesia
    consider the DKI Jakarta governor election is comparable to Indonesia Presidential
    Election, in a term of “voting for governor feels like voting for president.” In this election,
    one candidate named Ahok needs support to move forward as an independent candidate.
    “Teman Ahok” is a voluntary organization founded by a group of young people which
    helped and supported Ahok on collecting 1 million ID of Jakarta residents as the
    nomination requirement. This study focused on understanding how Teman Ahok can
    achieve their goals. This study also investigated and explored their social-media
    mobilization in the collection of 1 million ID. This qualitative study conducted in-depth
    interview with Teman Ahok founders, volunteers and supporters. The results will
    contribute and improve the future of political communication study by encouraging the
    consideration of new social-media mobilization forms. From a theoretical perspective, this
    exploratory study provides contributions in political communication by using social-media
    mobilization as a new form regarding the case study of Teman Ahok volunteer’s
    organization. It adds knowledge to an unexplored and vital aspect of the social-media
    mobilization and political communication both in the process and the strategy based on the
    political situation in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election 2017.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105461018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001672
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