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Title: | 化學災害與環境資訊公開之法制研究—以歐洲聯盟法制為觀察對象 A Legal Study on the Relationship between the Chemical Disaster Management and the Disclosure of Environmental Information–Focus on the European Union Law |
Authors: | 吳柏慶 Wu, Po-Ching |
Contributors: | 傅玲靜 吳柏慶 Wu, Po-Ching |
Keywords: | 化學災害 災害管理 環境資訊公開 自由接近環境資訊指令 奧爾胡斯公約 公眾接近環境資訊指令 塞維索指令 Chemical Disaster Disaster Management Disclosure of Environmental Information Council Directive 90/313/EEC Aarhus Convention Directive 2003/4/EC Seveso Directive |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-09-02 12:21:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在1976年發生塞維索事件後,歐洲經濟共同體於1982年便制定了塞維索指令,以之作為因應化學災害之規範,而該指令於2012年時,更已發展到第三代的規範架構。從塞維索指令III之規範中,可觀察到該指令不僅體現了災害管理循環之概念,甚至亦具體融入了公眾接近環境指令之內容,明確地告訴世人面對運作化學品之風險,除了環境資訊彙集制度之重視外,環境資訊公開制度的建立亦為化學災害管理規範發展上不可或缺之制度。
對此本文建議,短期面向上應參考塞維索指令III之制度精神,並制定專法規範化學災害環境資訊之彙集與利用;長期面向則應參考公眾接近環境資訊指令之制度精神,針對具有未知性與不確定性的環境問題,單獨制定專法規範環境資訊之公開,藉此解決目前國內政資法難以合於環境資訊公開要求之問題。 After the Seveso disaster in 1976, the European Economic Community had enacted the Seveso Directive in 1982 as a norm for responding to chemical disasters. In 2012, the Seveso Directive has even developed into the third-generation framework. From the provisions of Seveso Directive III, we can observe that the Seveso Directive III not only embodies the concept of disaster management cycle, but also specifically integrates the content of Directive 2003/4/EC, clearly telling the world to face the risks of operating chemicals, in addition to the collection system of environmental information, the disclosure system of environmental information is also an indispensable system for the development of chemical disaster management norm.
By contrast, in Taiwan, the fire case of Chin Poon Industrial Company in 2018 unfortunately claimed the precious lives of six firefighters. From this accident, we were shocked that the legal system in Taiwan has not yet prepared for the threat of chemical disasters. Regarding the legal system of chemical disaster management in Taiwan, this thesis analyzes six laws: Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act, Fire Services Act, Factory Management Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and The Freedom of Government Information Law, and observes the judicial practices on disclosure of environmental information. From the analyses and observations, this thesis finds that the collection system of chemical disaster environmental information has a problem of disorder and complexity, and there is also a problem of inadequacy in the utilization system of chemical disaster environmental information.
In this regard, this thesis suggests that in the short term, the legislature should refer to the institutional spirit of Seveso Directive III and enact a special law to regulate the collection and utilization of chemical disaster environmental information. In the long term, the legislature should refer to the institutional spirit of Directive 2003/4/EC, and enact a special law to regulate the disclosure of environmental information in response to environmental issues with unknowns and uncertainties, so as to solve The Freedom of Government Information Law that is difficult to comply with the disclosure of environmental information. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 106651042 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651042 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001363 |
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