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    题名: 家族信託中以私人信託公司為受託人時如何適用我國公司法之研究
    A Study on the Application of the Company Law to Private Trust Companies as the Trustees of Family Trusts
    作者: 林意紋
    Lin, Yi-Wen
    贡献者: 劉連煜
    Liu, Len-Yu
    Lin, Yi-Wen
    关键词: 家族企業傳承
    Family Business Inheritance
    Private Family Trust Company
    Private Trust Company
    Family Trust Company
    Exempt Trust Company
    Piercing the Corporate Veil
    Controlling Company
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-09-02 12:20:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 根據台灣董事學會的調查報告顯示,於我國的公司數量中,有六成者為家族企業。另《遠見》的調查結果中,有接近八成的企業負責人或準接班人認為家族企業傳承已屬迫切之問題。
    According to a survey report of the Taiwan Institute of Directors, 60% of the number of companies in our country are family businesses. Besides, in the survey results of “Foresight”, nearly 80% of business leaders or prospective successors believe that family business inheritance is an urgent issue.
    Due to the independence of the trust property, if the trust is used as the method of family business inheritance, the purpose of the family business`s perpetual inheritance can be achieved. Therefore, the Trust Association of R.O.C. recommends that business owners use the assets they intend to inherit when planning a family trust. For example, the shares of a family business, the capital is invested to establish a closed company limited by shares, the shareholders of the company are the family members to be inherited. The closed company limited by shares acts as the settlor and beneficiary and uses the shares of the family business it holds as the trust property, and the trust industry is appointed as the trustee.
    However, apart from the trust enterprises as the trustees, do the settlors have other options? From the perspective of foreign legal systems, private trust companies also can be the trustees of family trusts in the United States, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
    Therefore, this article will first introduce the legal system of private trust companies in the United States, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and put forward relevant suggestions on the establishment of private trust companies in Taiwan, and then study if private trust companies act as the trustees of family trusts, the Company Act of Taiwan in terms of its application, whether it will cause doubts, and then through the analysis and research of the comparative legal system, the recommendations of this article are proposed.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651040
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001278
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