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    Title: 儒家推己思想:以當代孟子詮釋為核心
    A Confucian conception of extending: a new reading of the Mencius
    Authors: 張佑禎
    Chang, Yu-Chen
    Contributors: 馬愷之

    Chang, Yu-Chen
    Keywords: 儒家

    Confucius’ followers
    model of “extending”
    bottom-up model
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:02:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文反思儒家推己思想是否可延及家族之外,以及如何「推」己的問題。本文討論是以當代學者對先秦孟子與孟子前之思想家的詮釋為核心。本文先從哲學史脈絡,呈現孟子以前的儒者關於「推」己思想的內容,再藉由此等呈現來檢討一些當代學者對此問題的詮釋,進而探討這個問題。藉此討論,本文認為儒家的「推」己要延及家族外人有其困難,因為孟子與諸多先秦儒者一方面有「親親而仁民,仁民而愛物」的差別性,另一方面也有「惻隱之心」、「不忍人之心」及「推恩」的心理內容。這些內容在某些情境下可能產生衝突,導致儒家推己思想一些困境。即使如此,儒家「推」己仍有許多內容可能面對此困境。其中,儒者談及不偏重自家人的心理內容,如「仁」或「不忍人之心」。此內容可透過諸多包含內外的「推類」與「引導」方法,激發此種心理內容的推廣,延及家族之外。本文並透過「由下而上」的模式整合這些方法。
    In this dissertation, I explore the Confucian model of “extending” (tui 推). In Confucianism, the family is often used as a paradigm to understand other social relationships. Yet, Confucian virtues are also stretched to cover non-familial relationships. In this context, the idea of “extending” deserves particular attention, since it refers to a way of transcending natural bonds and integrating strangers into the moral community. The goal of my dissertation is a systematic reconstruction of the discourse of “extending” among the first followers of Confucius (551-479 BCE), with a particular focus on Mencius (fourth century BCE). First, I reconstruct the doctrinal contents of the Confucian model of “extending” as revealed by the historical sources. Second, I discuss major modern interpretations of this model which can be found both in Chinese-language and international scholarship. I argue that family boundaries do play an important role for those Confucians and that Confucian virtues cannot be “extended” unconditionally to everybody. In other words, these Confucians recognize the value of partiality in certain situations; yet, more broadly speaking, Confucian thinkers also share a heightened awareness of the limitations of family boundaries and thus often emphasize the value of impartiality. In particular, the Confucian virtue of humaneness or benevolence (ren 仁) enables moral agents to extend their concerns to strangers and, at least ideally, to everybody. I propose a “bottom-up” model to integrate these divergent concerns in the Confucian mindset.
    Reference: 一、中文資料:


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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101154502
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001704
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