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    Title: 用社會創新方式實踐SDG12的效應分析 —以台灣家樂福非籠飼雞蛋為例
    A Case Study on the Effectiveness Analysis of SDG12 with Social Innovation Practice – Carrefour’s Cage Free Eggs in Taiwan
    Authors: 蘇小真
    Su, Hsiao-Chen
    Contributors: 黃正忠
    Huang, Zheng-Zhong
    Su, Hsiao-Chen
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    Sustainable Consumption
    Cage Free Eggs
    Social Innovation
    Animal Welfare
    Brand Equity
    Organizational Change
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:53:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文的研究主題為「用社會創新方式實踐SDG12的效應分析—以台灣家樂福非籠飼雞蛋為例」,本研究將探討下列兩個問題:
    一.大型零售通路如何用社會創新的方法回應聯合國永續發展目標及顧及各個利害關係人之期許 ?

    台灣家樂福於2018年公開做出長達七年的非籠飼雞蛋承諾: 2018年成立非籠飼雞蛋專區,2019年推出自有品牌非籠飼雞蛋,2020年推出自有品牌嚴選生鮮非籠飼放牧雞蛋,2025年之前所有自有品牌雞蛋將全面轉為非籠飼雞蛋並影響其他品牌蛋轉為非籠飼。
    本研究首先針對零售通路的競爭,國際永續目標及倡議,永續消費與品牌權益,社會創新定義與案例,組織變革模式,台灣雞蛋產銷系統及非營利組織動物社會研究會提出相關文獻研究。接著藉由個案公司實踐社會創新方式來推動非籠飼雞蛋的這個案例去了解大型零售通路如何做執行評估,行動步驟為何,成功關鍵及如何創造利害關係人對話與合作。 最後,再去分析這個大型零售通路實踐SDG12永續生產與消費之效應為何: 立即可見的商業利益,長期的品牌權益提升,組織文化變革,跨域合作平台,永續意識消費支持。
    The dissertation elaborates Carrefour’s cage free eggs in Taiwan with the case study on the effectiveness analysis of SDG12 with social innovation practice focus on the following two issues:
    1. How do large-scale retail channels respond to the United Nation`s sustainable development goals with social innovation practice, at the same time, take into consideration of the expectations of all stakeholders?
    2. What effect will there be for the large-scale retail channels that adopt to the SDG12 responsible consumption & production?
    In 2018, Carrefour Taiwan announced to the public a seven-year cage free eggs commitment: Establishment of a dedicated display area for cage free eggs in all its stores. In 2019, launched its own brand of cage free eggs, in 2020, to launch Carrefour Quality Line cage free eggs, and by 2025, all Carrefour brands eggs will be cage free eggs and also motivate and influence other brands to also make the change.
    The arthor of this dissertation is the key sponsor and executor of this commitment, by sharing the process of this initiative, and the positive effects it has achieved in hopes to encourage other retailers to respond together to transform the industry. Hopefully, other Asian countries will join the ranks of cage-free eggs as well.
    This research first focuses on the competition of retail channels, international sustainability goals and initiatives, sustainable consumption and brand equity, social innovation definitions and case studies, organizational change models, Taiwan`s eggs supply and sales system, and the NGO EAST relevant literature research. Finally, through the case study of this social innovation practice, we learn how a big retailer evaluate the initiative, the processes, the key success factors and how to create dialogue and cooperation with all stakeholders. In the end, it analyzes the effects of SDG12 sustainable production and consumption in this large-scale retail channel: Immediate commercial benefits, long-term brand equity enhancement, organizational cultural changes, cross-domain cooperation platforms and the support of sustainable consumption.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001571
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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