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    Title: 探討美妝圖片內容力與五大人格特質對按讚行為之影響
    The Influence of Image Power of Beauty Products and Big Five on Like Click Behavior
    Authors: 柯岱伶
    Ko, Tai-Ling
    Contributors: 洪為璽
    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Ko, Tai-Ling
    Keywords: Instagram
    Image power
    Big five personality traits
    Like click behavior
    Beauty products
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:45:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於網路的普及,使得社群媒體幾乎無處不在,尤其對年輕族群更為重要,其中Facebook與Instagram是最常見的平台。有超過八成的台灣網路使用族群曾經用過Facebook或Instagram,其中Instagarm的每則貼文互動率是Facebook的四倍之高,這也促使Instagram成為新一代各大品牌網路社群行銷兵家必爭之地。由於社群媒體的對話重心已逐漸從文字轉變為圖片,以圖像為主的社群媒體成為了廣告行銷的新寵兒。「視覺成像」的特性讓廣告主不必再絞盡腦汁地發想文案,而是轉而拍出一張有故事性的圖片以傳達的其理念與產品行銷。另一方面,UGC的風行推動更多自媒體的者在Instagram和YouTube的等圖像影音平台生成內容,促進全球美妝市場成長,同時成為Instagram上傳圖片主要類型之一。因此本研究將以Instagram 美妝圖片作為研究情境,探討美妝圖片內容力與社群行為中最基礎者—按讚行為之間的關係。另一方面,本研究也會同時探討個人格特質與使用者之性別、年齡、教育程度、系統使用時間是否會影響美妝圖片內容力與按讚行為之關係。
    Over 80% of netizens in Taiwan are Facebook or Instagram users, while the interaction rate per post on Instagram is four times higher than Facebook`s, Instagram has become a new battleground for online community marketers.
    As conversations on social media has shifted from text to images, image-based social media platforms have become popular advertising and marketing spots. On the other hand, the popularity of user generated content (UGC) prompts more self-media users to generate content on image-based platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. This accelerate the growth of the global beauty market and beauty products have become one of the main photo categories uploaded on Instagram. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between power of image content and like click behavior by using images of beauty products on Instagram as research context. Moreover, this research also investigates whether the user’s personality traits, gender, age, education level, and system usage time affect the strength of the relationship between power of beauty products image content and the like click behavior.
    This study took Instagram users as respondents and collected 831 valid questionnaires in total. The research results show that perceived value, involvement, and source credibility all positively affect like click behavior, while perceived value is the most influential. Personality traits of the users, such as extraversion, openness, neuroticism and agreeableness, positively regulate the relationship between power of image content and like click behavior; whereas conscientiousness has negative influence on that.
    Finally, education level and systematic usage have a positive regulatory effect on perceived value and like click behavior. However, there is no significant relationship between gender and age. Therefore, this study concludes that there is a correlation between power of image content and like click behavior. In addition, users who have personality traits such as extraversion, openness, neuroticism and friendliness might enhance their willingness of like click behavior. Users with higher education level and higher system adhesion also increase their willingness to press like. The results of this study can not only serve as a reference for future researchers to develop image content, but also provide a basis for brand managers to make marketing decisions.
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