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    Title: 消費者選擇確定或機率折扣之研究
    The Research on Consumers` Choice of Regular or Probabilistic Price Discounts
    Authors: 蔡佩純
    Tsai, Pei-Chun
    Contributors: 樓永堅
    Lou, Yung-Chien
    Tsai, Pei-Chun
    Keywords: 選擇
    Selective price discounts
    Probabilistic price discounts
    Regular price discounts
    Reference point
    Outcome evaluation
    Prospect Theory
    Value function
    Price discounts
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:38:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 回顧過往價格促銷文獻,多篇研究證實機率性折扣確實改善了以往確定性折扣所帶來的負面影響,例如內部參考價格下降、消費者再購行為下降等 (Davis, Inman, and McAlister,1992; Giadagin and Little, 1983; Kalwani and Yim, 1992)。然以往價格促銷研究並未單獨將「折扣選擇性」納入探討,但在決策領域,學者已證實人們天性喜歡「主動」選擇大過於「被動」接受,也更樂於承擔主動選擇的結果 (Schwartz, 2004; Scott, 1976; Winer, 1986)。另一方面,多篇國外文獻探討機率性促銷因帶有不確定性、娛樂性的遊戲性質,深受消費者喜愛之際,卻鮮少追蹤消費者參與機率性折扣後,是否會因為輸贏下得到不同折扣結果而影響結果評價,進而改變對商品內部參考價格的變化;最後,當消費者面對不同潛在利得損失的選擇性折扣,影響消費者選擇確定性或機率性折扣的心理機制為何,亦是本研究所關注的重點。
    本研究透過三個實驗依序探討折扣選擇性對消費者影響為何、而消費者在機率性折扣下,輸贏得到不同折扣結果的後續影響以及影響消費者選擇確定性或機率性折扣的心理機制。研究一證實消費者在「選擇性」折扣下 (即確定性折扣搭配機率性折扣)的活動參與意願與結果滿意度均優於以往提供單一價格折扣,如機率性折扣或確定性折扣;其次,研究二則證實消費者參與機率性折扣,無論輸贏得到不同折扣結果,在大利得小損失的機率性折扣下,消費者結果評價最佳;而當消費者在利得損失相等的折扣時,在輸的情況得到較差結果時,消費者的內部參考價格向上提升的變化最大。最後,研究三則發現消費者在選擇性折扣下,不同利得損失程度、是否包含原價購買的折扣設計,影響消費者選擇確定性或機率性折扣,其中,當選擇性折扣為利得損失相等、以及包含原價購買結果的設計下,消費者為迴避原價購買的潛在結果,更確定選擇確定性折扣,此系列研究成功從行為決策理論豐富價格促銷領域的研究,針對學術與實務面提出具體性建議。
    Promotional campaign is one of the tools for companies to attract customers to try new products and stimulate sales for meeting performance targets in the short run. In the past, coupons and cash discounts have been the most tempting ones to consumers. Recalling previous literature on price promotion, several studies have confirmed that probabilistic price discounts are better than regular price discounts in terms of negative impact on the decline in the internal reference prices and repurchase behavior. (Davis, Inman, and McAlister, 1992; Giadagin and Little, 1983; Kalwani and Yim, 1992).
    Scholars studying price discounts have confirmed that probabilistic price discounts are better than regular price discounts in terms of negative impact on the decline in the internal reference prices and repurchase behavior. In retrospect, most literature related to price discounts studies has investigated the impact of regular price discounts and probabilistic price discounts on consumer behavior, such as reference price, purchase intention, repurchase behavior, etc., but rarely discussed about "choices". Though, in the stream of decision-making research, scholars have confirmed that people like to "make” their choices more than passively "be given", and are more willing to take the responsibility for the results from their own decisions. Furthermore, the literature on probabilistic discounts in the past has focused more on why people prefer probabilistic discounts, but it does not pay attention to the fact that after people participate in probabilistic promotions, they may produce different evaluations due to different discount results and affect the change of internal reference price of the product. Finally, what are the psychological mechanisms that affect people’s choice of certainty or probabilistic discounts when facing selective discounts with different gains and losses?
    This research explores how consumers respond to the selective price discounts and their subsequent psychological mechanisms through three studies. Study 1 explore consumers` purchasing behavior when facing “selective” price discounts and single price discounts; in other words, consumers feel more willing and satisfied with outcomes when they were in Selective Price Discounts to choose between a probabilistic price discounts (PPD) and a regular price discounts (RPD), compared to when they have no choices but only take the discount, being PPD or SPD.
    Secondly, Study 2 verifies consumers feel more satisfied with their outcomes such as satisfaction, regret, or decision-making quality, no matter win or lose. Additionally, when consumers in the PPD with Gain and Lose even group, they increase their internal reference price after they obtained the inferior outcomes.
    Lastly, Study 3 investigate that when consumers face different selective price discounts (PPD with different discount levels), the key factor(s) to influence their preference by value functions, especially facing the selective discount with Gain and Lose are even, and the inferior outcome includes the original price, consumers are more likely to choose the regular discounts in order to avoid the potential result of the original price purchase.
    This research successfully bridge the literature gap between price promotion and decision behavior, further to provide academic and practical suggestions for those who are interested in promotional tools design.
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