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    Title: 論《動物城市》中被烙印污名者的自我認同
    Self-Identity of Stigmatized Individuals in Lauren Beukes’s Zoo City
    Authors: 吳瑜容
    Wu, Yu-Jung
    Contributors: 邱彥彬
    Chiou, Yen-Bin
    Wu, Yu-Jung
    Keywords: 羅倫·布克斯
    Lauren Beukes
    Zoo City
    Michel Foucault
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 11:33:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 羅倫·布克斯在《動物城市》中描繪的每一個殺人者都會伴隨著一隻動物。只要殺了人,必定會經歷超自然的轉變。殺人者的感知,精神以及生命永遠與他的動物連結,因此其動物象徵無法抹滅的罪。經過改變後,殺人者被稱為動物人(zoos),並失去生存價值,宛如赤裸生命的存有再也無法再重返正常人的生活。以主角銀子.十二月為例,她被視為失去人性的動物人、可能再次成為罪犯的濳在威脅,因此社會權利被剝奪,存在於法律之外的她只屬於動物城市(Zoo City)。
    本論文分為三部份主要以主角為例,探討被烙印污名者的自我認同。第一部分爬梳米歇爾·傅柯從權力系譜學中觀察權力與人的關係,進而發展至生命政治。並討論喬治·阿岡本對傅柯的生命權力探究所提出神聖之人概念作為結尾。第二部分將分析《動物城市》中主角帶著象徵罪惡的樹懶所造成個人身份以及社會身份污名化。接著係論述主角成為動物人(zoos)之後,導致主角在日常生活中經歷污名以及排斥。主角 如被法律棄置的裸命。她不屬於公民,也不屬於動物,而是一個永遠無法被認可,其生命隨時可以被合法剝奪的存在。生命權利被剝奪導致主角的不安全感並牽涉自我認同。第三部分論述主角處於生命權利被懸置的例外狀態中,如何在非利益關係中透過與他者互動發展出穩定的自我認同。最後結論梳理前述論點,並且試著提出新的可能;在小說的最後,主角離開了動物城市,也脫離了它的秩序結構。她開啟了新的旅程,也開創了屬於自己的新生命向度。
    In Zoo City, Lauren Beukes portrays murderers in company with the supernatural animals. If men commit a murder, they may be correlated with the perception and the spirit. Such process of being animalled is involuntary because it concerns not the people’s free will and symbolizes a stigma of criminals for the rest of lives. The animal signifies the crime of murder, which is an action against others and humanity. Therefore, they are at risk of incurring criminal penalties and reduced to a bare life. The protagonist, Zinzi December, cannot find a decent job, an appropriate apartment, or a social role. She stands outside the scope of law. Precisely, she is at the status of criminal-to-be, which isolates her from the society and makes her inclusively enclosed in Zoo City, Hillbrow. The particular status embodies the stigmatized identities in her personal trails as attributes.
    In my thesis, I aim to investigate stigmatized individuals—zoos—and focus on Zinzi, who is struggling with self-identity. I divide the thesis into three parts. First, I will briefly introduce its relation with Michel Foucault’s genealogy of power and human existence. I will further detail how it develops into the modern politics—biopolitics. Second, in Zoo City, the sloth represents a stigma of the murder of Zinzi and greatly impacts on Zinzi’s identities. I will elaborate personal identity and social identity of Zinzi who identifies with a bare life living without rights of citizens. She is the living dead due to the legal and social dispossession. Zinzi is in the state of exception that a living subject to a threat of being killed by anyone. Whoever kills her without condemnation and punishment. Third, I will elaborate on how Zinzi stabilizes self-identity in interaction with the disinterested partners. In conclusion, I will summarize the discussions I brought up by highlighting the plight of Zinzi December with the openness to a new life.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102551015
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001182
    Appears in Collections:[英國語文學系] 學位論文

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