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    Title: Instagram上影片與相片之廣告效果比較研究
    A Comparative Study of Advertising Effects of Videos and Photos on Instagram
    Authors: 黃語陶
    Huang, Yu-Tao
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Huang, Yu-Tao
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    social media
    social advertising
    advertising value
    advertising effectiveness
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:46:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   隨著行動網路的發展,社群媒體已經是大眾日常生活的資訊來源,也日益成為企業在品牌傳播與廣告行銷中必不可少的一環。然而在資訊超載的注意力經濟時代,如何才能於一眾競爭者中脫穎而出,成功攫取閱聽人的注意力,亦是品牌所面臨的重要課題。而當下,視覺化是網路時代資訊表達的重要趨勢。隨著網路的普及,影像有逐漸取代文字成為主流敘事媒介的趨勢,人們開始更多地進行視覺化溝通,並透過影像感受周遭的世界。很快,企業和組織開始將目光落在社群媒體新貴Instagram上。

    In recent years, social media has become an important advertising platform to reach consumers online. We currently live in an attention economy and attention is one of the most valuable resources nowadays. Thus, to marketers, how to stand out among the industry competitors and catch the attention of consumers successfully is definitely an issue to be reckoned with.

    Among the social media platforms that are gaining the attention of marketers is Instagram. As a visual social media, Instagram has its unique advantages in terms of advertising. Just as an English adage says, "a picture is worth a thousand words." In order to benefit from the potentials of Instagram as an advertising channel, marketers should examine and understand what types and traits of Instagram Ads relate to a better advertising effect.

    The aim of this study is to compare the advertising effects of video and photo ads on Instagram. The advertising effects are mainly measured with the attitude and intention of young Instagram users. The research will end by providing some tentative conclusions and a discussion of areas in need of additional research.
    Reference: 參考文獻


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