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    Title: 蔦屋書店TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE國際市場進入策略分析
    International Market Entry Strategy:A Case Study on TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE
    Authors: 簡巧愛
    Jian, Qiao-Ai
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Li, Peng-Yu

    Jian, Qiao-Ai
    Keywords: 國際市場進入策略
    International Market Entry Strategy
    Taiwanese compound bookstore industry
    Industry life cycle
    Tsutaya bookstore
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:43:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球書市一片愁雲慘霧中,卻有一實體書店營收逆勢成長,且在日本引起相當大的話題即為蔦屋書店(TSUTAYA BOOKS、蔦屋書店皆為日本正式店名),近期蔦屋書店以拓展海外市場為其企業成長策略,優先選擇臺灣市場,並透過策略聯盟與加盟兩路並進的方式與臺灣兩家企業合作,在三年多的時間已在臺灣開設了六家TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE(此名稱僅限於臺灣地區)分店。
    總結本研究之發現,蔦屋書店的國際化動機主要係由於母國市場飽和,為了要增加銷量以及市場佔有率,進而拓展其他有潛能的市場,以探更多獲利的機會。然而,臺灣市場因地理位置相近、且臺灣消費者對於日本文化熟悉,再加上臺灣市場已有相同經營模式的書店,因此選擇臺灣為首要進入市場。而蔦屋書店拓展海外市場很有自己的想法,先是與中環旗下公司得利影視以策略聯盟的方式合作,後來又以無須投入資金的加盟方式與潤泰創新合作,並由潤泰新百分之百投資自營。且透過本研究參考Johansson (2006)的進入模式矩陣(entry mode matrix)理論將產業生命週期納入為其一考量因素時,發現如此能找到最適的進入模式,因此,可得知進入模式與產業生命週期之間彼此有關聯。
    In the turmoil of the global book industry, there is a physical bookstore in Japan, TUTYAYA BOOKSTORE, which has grown against the trend. Recently, it has been expanding foreign markets for its corporate growth strategy, and its priority of market entry is the Taiwan’s market. To enter the Taiwan market, it cooperates with two Taiwanese enterprises through two different entry modes, strategic alliances and franchising. Furthermore, five branches have been opened in Taiwan in the past two years.
    This study mainly discussed the international market entry strategy of TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE. First of all, the thesis explored the industry overview of the compound bookstore industry in the Japanese and Taiwan markets; then, the thesis explored the international market entry strategy of TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE, such as the motivation for international market entry, location selection, entry selection, and it further analyzed the relationship between the industry life cycle model and the entry model; finally, the thesis gave the conclusions and recommendations for this case study. Based on the above analyst results, this thesis wishes to provide implications for TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE to enter other new markets, and other bookstore which would like to enter the Taiwan market.
    To sum up, the internationalization motivation of TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE is mainly due to the market saturation of the home country. Therefore, in order to increase sale volume and market shares, it should expand other potential markets to explore more profitable opportunities. Taiwan is the first market of TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE to enter because the geographic location of Taiwan is nearby Japan, Taiwanese consumers are familiar with Japanese culture and there is a bookstore with a similar business model in Taiwan. Besides, TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE has its own ideas for expanding foreign markets. In Taiwan, it cooperates with two Taiwanese enterprises through two different entry modes, strategic alliances and franchising. One is DELTAMAC (TAIWAN) CO., LTD., and another one is Ruentex Development Co.,Ltd. In addition, it would be found the best entry mode if the factor of industry life cycle is taken into consideration by this study.
    The final part of this thesis provides the suggestion that TSUYAYA BOOKSTORE can find the best international market entry strategy to implement the concept of sustainable management and continue to enhance growth momentum.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363067
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000665
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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