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    Title: ACT Raising Safe Kids 親職教育方案對於父母情緒表達風格的介入效果
    Effects of ACT Raising Safe Kids program on parental emotional expressivity
    Authors: 游佳綺
    Yu, Chia-Chi
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Ju-Hsin
    Yu, Chia-Chi
    Keywords: 情緒表達風格
    emotional expressivity
    ACT Raising Safe Kids program
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:39:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究欲應用,美國心理學會暴力預防處與美國幼兒教育協會所發展
    之ACT親職教育方案(ACT Raising Safe Kids Program)於台灣學齡前孩童之父母,藉以探討在經歷團體後,是否能增進父母整體在家與學齡前孩童互動時的情緒表達風格較為正向,意即是否能增進正向情緒行為,減緩負向情緒行為。本研究團體實行4周8堂課,每周2堂課,每堂2小時,共16小時,以立意取樣方式設定企業在職父母為對象,目的在於試圖貼近現今學齡前孩童父母工作與家庭生活轉換的現況。採混合研究法結合量化研究資料與質性研究資料,質性為主,量化為輔,以質性資料擴充瞭解量化結果的改變與成長情形。
    This study aimed to examined the effects of ACT Raising Safe Kids program on parental emotional expressivity in preschoolers’ family. The ACT program was developed by the American Psychological Association Office of Violence Prevention and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This study targeted working parents of the enterprise, and implemented the 8-sessions group intervention in 4 weeks, a total of 16 hours program. In order to enrich the information of the change of parents, the study adopted mixed methods of embedded experimental design including both quantitative and qualitative data.
    The remaining 9 parents completed the Family Expressiveness Questionnaire. Through one-group pretest-posttest semi-quasi experimental design, the results of quantitative data showed that posttest scores on parental emotional expressivity were significantly higher than the pretest scores. It indicated that parents have presented more positive emotional expressivity in family. Qualitative data analyzed by Thematic Analysis found that, the change of parental emotional expressivity could be summarized in three parts: (1)non-violent discipline and protect children from exposure to violence of ACT core dimension: parents were aware of their parental roles and attitude in parenting, and improved their negative emotional expressivity toward children.(2)child development and anger management and social problem-solving skills of ACT core dimension: parents improved their emotional awareness in parenting, and used more positive expressivity toward children and coparent.(3)difficulties and changes of positive parenting: although parents still perceived the stress of the parenting from family members and culture value, they still integrated the curriculum concepts, implemented positive expressivity flexibly in family, accepted their limitation, and affirmed themselves. Finally, the suggestions for practice and future research would be discussed.
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