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Title: | ACT Raising Safe Kids 親職方案對於父母後設情緒理念之影響 The ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program and its effect on parental meta-emotion philosophy |
Authors: | 王郁婷 Wang, Yu-Ting |
Contributors: | 傅如馨 Fu, Trista Juhsin 王郁婷 Wang, Yu-Ting |
Keywords: | ACT親職方案 父母後設情緒理念 親職知能 ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program parental meta-emotion philosophy parenting practices |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:38:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以ACT親職方案(ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program)為介入方案,旨在探討本方案對於父母後設情緒理念的影響。ACT親職方案特別關注於「父母」的自我覺察和自我成長,除了教導父母正向教養與非暴力管教、增加父母對於孩童發展知識的理解,更教導父母憤怒管理與社交問題解決技巧、保護孩童免於暴力和媒體的影響,避免孩童不當對待的發生,為孩童創造有利於發展的安全環境。鑒於此,本研究想了解經過ACT親職方案後,父母的親職知能是否有所提升?父母後設情緒理念是否更傾向情緒教導?情緒摒除、情緒失控、情緒不干涉是否更少出現? 本研究以單一組別前測─後測設計,針對台灣某企業育有0-8歲孩童的父母為研究對象,有效樣本共17位。本研究同時包含自陳式問卷之量化資料和父母在團體中所分享內容之質化資料。量化研究結果顯示,所有父母的親職知能和後設情緒理念之前後測,並未隨著ACT親職方案而達顯著改變。本研究也發現,ACT親職方案之正向教養與非暴力管教、憤怒管理和社交問題解決技巧、保護兒童免於接觸暴力、媒體對孩童的影響,有助於父母以情緒教導面對孩童的憤怒;孩童發展知識、正向教養與非暴力管教、憤怒管理和社交問題解決技巧,有助於父母減少以情緒不干涉面對孩童的憤怒。 此外,本研究進一步依據父母的學習成效將其分為效果展現組和效果未展現組,研究結果呈現ACT親職方案有助於提升效果展現組父母的媒體識讀和預防孩童不當對待,增加效果未展現組父母的情緒不干涉,且透過質化資料更能夠看見ACT親職方案對於部分效果展現組和部分效果未展現組的成效,其中兩組父母最大學習成效差異在於父母處理自身情緒能力和面對孩童憤怒時介入與否。最後,本研究依據研究結果,針對父母教養孩童和未來研究給予建議。 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program on parental meta-emotion philosophy. To foster a safe and healthy environment for child development, ACT program provides training in positive and nonviolent discipline, anger management, social problem-solving skills, media literacy, and methods to protect children from exposure to violence. Thus, we hypothesize that ACT program helps to enhance parenting practices, improve parental meta-emotion philosophy. This study was one group pretest-posttest design, there were 17 participants who have children aged from 0 to 8 years old. This study used mixed methods in data collection and analysis, including quantitative data gathered in self-report questionnaires and qualitative data gathered in the group process. The following findings were obtained: (1) Posttest scores on parenting practices and parental meta-emotion philosophy had no significantly difference from the pretest scores. (2) the ACT program increased emotion-coaching and decreased emotion-noninvolvement. Furthermore, all parents were divided into effectiveness group and non-effectiveness group. The result indicated that effectiveness group significantly increased in media violence literacy and violence prevention knowledge while non-effectiveness group significantly increased in emotion-noninvolvement. The most difference between two groups were emotional regulation ability and the means how parents handle angry and aggressive children. Finally, our study provided suggestions for parenting practice and the future study of ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 輔導與諮商碩士學位學程 105172004 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000598 |
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