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    Title: 平台型企業競爭策略:Uber商業模式在中國大陸和台灣市場比較分析
    The strategies of platform competition: a comparative case study of Uber in Mainland China and Taiwan
    Authors: 洪畢銜
    Hong, Bixian
    Contributors: 侯勝宗
    Hou, Sheng-Tsung
    Hong, Bixian
    Keywords: 共享經濟
    Sharing economies
    Platform business model
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:35:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 共享經濟與平台商業模式是目前炙手可熱的話題。平台型企業運用科技,連結人、組織與資源,形成具有強大網路效應的生態系統,對產業中的原有企業造成巨大衝擊。作為平台經濟的代表性企業之一,成立於2009年的Uber瞄準了受到嚴格管制的計程車市場,建立網路叫車平台,令不具備營運資格的私人汽車提供載客服務,雖然受到民眾普遍歡迎,但是同時也引發了諸多爭議。此後,隨著Uber的國際化擴張,以及模仿者在許多國家出現,圍繞網路叫車模式的合法性爭論佔據了各國公共議題的重要部分,各國政府的態度與立法傾向也不盡相同。本研究採取比較式個案研究法,剖析Uber在中國大陸與台灣兩個市場的經歷,在理論層面豐富了對於共享經濟模式之下的平台競爭的學理瞭解,在實務層面對於平台型企業如何針對不同市場環境調整平台策略、經營商業生態系統,具有一定的參考價值。
    The sharing economies and platform business have become hot topics nowadays. Based on modern information technology, platform enterprises connect people, organizations and resources to build an ecosystem with powerful network effects, which has huge impacts on the companies in the industry. As one of the most representative enterprises of the platform economy, Uber, founded in 2009, aimed at the highly regulated taxi market and established an online platform that enables drivers who are not qualified to provide passenger service. Although Uber is generally accepted by the public, it also caused bitter controversy. Large debates on Uber and sharing economies over the legality have gathered public attention in many countries along with the international expansion of Uber and the appearance of its imitators worldwide, and the results varies across countries. This research adopts a comparative case study method to analyze Uber`s experience both in Mainland China and Taiwan. It helps to enrich the theoretical understanding of platform competition in the sharing economy and provides practical reference for enterprises who are devoted to platform business.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364143
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001001
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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