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    Title: 動態能力與商業模式之個案分析
    A Case Study on the Dynamic Capabilities and Business Models
    Authors: 姜慰慈
    Chiang, Wei-Tzu
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Chiang, Wei-Tzu
    Keywords: 網路通訊產業
    Communication Industry
    Dynamic capabilities
    Business model
    Internet of Things
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:35:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣自1970年代起便開始重點培植資訊電子產業,期望以其為臺灣產業升級之主要動能。在政府大力支持及扶植下,不僅吸引了許多外資來臺設廠製造,加速民間產業發展,政府也積極向國際大廠取經,進行諸多技術轉移計畫,而後更進一步轉移技術至民間,並持續推動臺灣資訊電子產業之發展,最終促使臺灣中小企業家紛紛創業,加入此波產業發展之浪潮,本研究之個案公司即為一例。


    Taiwanese government has been focusing on cultivating the information technology industry since 1970s in order to accomplish the purpose of industrial upgrading of Taiwan. With lots of supportive policies, Taiwan attracted many foreign investors to set up factories in Taiwan. On the other hand, Taiwanese government carried out many manufacturing technology transfer projects to learn the know-how from major international companies and then transferred those know-hows to private sectors initiatively to promote technology diffusion. Eventually, many Taiwanese entrepreneurs decided to start their own businesses to join this wave of industrial development. And the company being examined in this case is no exception.

    The aim of this study is to explore the strategy and business models of a technology company through the lens of dynamic capability framework. In particular, what is investigated is how the company senses, seizes, and transforms opportunities. We use this case study to explore and discuss from the time when company decided to develop business on Internet of Things, to the time when solutions being installed and used.

    This study uses a qualitative approach, in-depth interview with key participants of product and business development, to collect viewpoints from R&D, product management and business department staffs. This study records the major changes while the case company shaped and accomplished its business models. The main findings of the study are:
    1. Enterprise is likely to be affected by its successful experience when developing new business or doing strategic plan. Therefore the misjudgment may limited opportunities and impede the performance. However, the strategy can be fine-tuned by interacting with the markets and engaging with the target customers for the purpose of gaining profit.
    2. The IoT products and services would be generally accepted if the application scenario fit users’ everyday life and can solve their pain points.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103364122
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000961
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