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    Title: 透過遊戲化觀點設計行動應用服務提升家庭照顧者之自我照顧動機
    Increasing Motivation for Self-Care of Family Caregivers with Mobile Services: A Gamification Perspective
    Authors: 李昀臻
    Lee, Yun-Zhen
    Contributors: 廖峻鋒

    Liao, Chun-Feng
    Chen, Yi-hsiu

    Lee, Yun-Zhen
    Keywords: 遊戲化設計
    family caregiver
    mobile services
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:34:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣社會深受華人傳統家庭倫理觀念影響,使家庭照顧者自願或被迫無償地擔負照顧家中失能長輩的工作,長期缺乏自我照顧,致使其身心俱疲。本研究欲探討:如何利用遊戲化設計引發並維持自我照顧行為動機,引導家庭照顧者提升對自身需求的關注,懂得適時抽離照顧職責、爭取自我照顧的空間,進而提升生活品質。
    Deeply Influenced by Chinese social tradition, it is common in Taiwan that family caregivers assist their aging family members confronted with declining functional abilities without payments, while their own psychological pressures and physical burdens that the caregivers experienced being ignored.
    The purpose of this research is to design a mobile service, Carelendar, to increase motivation for self-care of the family caregivers from a gamification perspective. This research adopts in-depth interviews and targets family caregivers and experts to define the needs of the users and designed a prototype for field testing. A diary study is carried out to evaluate the user experience (UX) of the prototype.
    The results indicate that Carelendar can remind the family caregivers to casually consider their own needs and do self-care activities during an extremely busy time. Although it’s defined from a gamification strategy, the most popular game mechanisms, that’s points, levels, and badges, aren’t good choices in this situation. On the other hand, meaningful gamification, such as story-telling, interaction, and choices make Carelendar a caring friend who keep the family caregivers company whenever and wherever, and that empowers them, finally leading to a better quality of life as they strike a balance between caregiving and living their own life.
    This study suggests that gamification is an effective design strategy while not all game mechanisms works for increasing motivation and changing behavior if the designers have a profound understanding of the user and context. In this way, the designers can utilize the most suitable game mechanisms at the right time.
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