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    Title: 幼兒園創新經營之研究 -以臺北市一所私立小學附設幼兒園為例
    A Case Study of Preschool Innovation Management of One Private Elementary Preschool in Taipei County
    Authors: 吳佩瑛
    Wu, Pei-Ying
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Kuo, Chao-Yu
    Wu, Pei-Ying
    Keywords: 私立幼兒園
    Rivate kindergartens
    School Innovation
    PInnovative Management
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:31:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討臺北市一所私立幼兒園創新經營之歷程,了解經營過程中面臨的困境與因應之策略。本研究採用個案研究法、訪談法、資料蒐集,輔以實地參與來分析推論,研究對象為臺北市一所私立幼兒園,受訪者包括輔導主任、三教師。最後發現個案小學附設幼兒園面臨的困境有:
    (三)資源運用方面:未完全符合經濟效益,空間、環境、設備適度規畫與執行。 1、學生嚴重流失,學校因歷經少子化的緣故,歷經經營上的困境,很多家長會直接選擇直接一貫升到高中,同時也傾向將小朋友送到住家附近的托兒園所,省去讓孩子因坐交通車而需要早起及睡不飽的擔憂,造成學生數減少與流失,也沒有完全中學的優勢。2、面臨招生困境: 約90幾年到100年後期間人數遞減,經營方式是相對是保守且限制重重,學校內部受到衝擊,因師資過剩必須裁員及資遣老師,造成老師的無助與恐慌,生源減少影響招生,班級數不斷下降,影響園所經營與生存。

    This research aims to explore the innovative management process of a private kindergarten in Taipei City, and to understand the difficulties faced in the management process and the corresponding strategies. This research adopts case study method, interview method, data collection, supplemented by field participation to analyze inferences. The research object is a private kindergarten in Taipei City. The interviewees include counseling director, three
    Teachers. Finally, it was found that the difficulties faced by the kindergarten attached to the primary school were as follows:
    (1) Administrative management: Teacher changes and administrative turmoil affect morale, and then there is a crisis due to internal administrative personnel turbulence adjustments, and teachers cannot interfere. In the past, there was a lot of personnel changes, even elementary schools were very turbulent, which had a great impact on the school’s operation. Therefore, for the information and conditions of entering primary schools, the instability of teachers caused a high rate of loss. The entire environment and ecology are changing, and the welfare system is changing. The school`s operating performance has changed and adjusted, causing teachers` doubts and teachers at a loss.
    (2) Curriculum teaching: In recent years, parents have been thinking about bilingual teaching. The focus of our school is Montessori education. The learning aspect of English is not the focus of our curriculum. In addition to the current educational environment trends and trends, parents They would still choose schools that advertised American-language kindergartens as the main axis, and the principal at that time didn`t pay much attention to Mongolian style, and senior teachers could not insist on exerting their educational philosophy.
    (3) In terms of resource utilization: it is not fully in line with economic benefits, and space, environment, and equipment are properly planned and executed. 1. There is a serious loss of students. Due to the fact that the school has experienced declining birthrates and operating difficulties, many parents will directly choose to go directly to high school, and they also tend to send their children to nurseries near their homes to save their children. The worry of getting up early and not getting enough sleep due to transportation has caused the decrease and loss of students, and it does not have the advantages of middle school. 2. Facing the difficulty of enrollment: The number of students is decreasing during the period from 90 to 100 years later. The operation method is relatively conservative and restrictive. The school

    is affected. Due to the surplus of teachers, it is necessary to lay off staff and send teachers, causing teachers to be helpless and panic. , The reduction of the source of students affects enrollment, and the number of classes continues to decline, affecting the operation and survival of the park.
    (4) In terms of disability activities: In the past, there were relatively no obvious practices in activities and students` disability activities, so there was no stage for children to perform. The arrangement of children`s activity space did not take into account the sharing of resources with elementary schools, such as: Library, playground... etc. There is no emphasis on marketing and publicity such as garden activities, which is more conservative and traditional.
    (5) Campus environment planning and construction: school buildings and communities are aging, and the learning environment and equipment have not kept pace with the times. It should be in line with the trend of the times. Facing the above-mentioned dilemma, the researchers summarized the following conclusions. The aspects of innovative operation of kindergartens include:
    1. Leaders should have the courage and determination to change and establish and adjust effective systems when faced with untimely systems within the organization. The rules and systems of organization and conduct in the park are to be managed and integrated to build internal consensus. The administrative organization structure and work content are clearly divided; actively face difficulties, conduct effective coordination and communication, deal with and respond.
    2. Curriculum teaching: use community resources to develop local cultural characteristics, practice and verify each other in theory and practice, learn and improve teachers` professional knowledge; through the implementation and arrangement of various activities and courses, provide children with complete learning, and actively implement and promote children movement. 3. Inject and integrate relevant human, community, material, and environmental resources, share resources with the elementary school, effectively plan the use of funds, shape the school`s high-quality image, open the environment and space, and effectively plan various teaching activities. Salary and benefits are very helpful to the stability of teachers. In addition, planning teachers can take winter and summer vacations, which is the reason for attracting continued retention. The head of the kindergarten has an impact and can be seen more broadly and teachers are more advanced.
    4. Increase internal and external influence, increase the recognition of parents and teachers of

    the school, actively create a school environment and promote school reputation externally, introduce resources for the school, create a good partnership, and benefit the operation and development of the school’s kindergarten . Closely increase the interaction between teachers and students, give full play to the meaning of performance, and try to innovate and integrate various activities, cultivate children`s diverse abilities and development, and establish a good learning attitude.
    5. The use of equipment and green landscaping for school building reconstruction, pay attention to the safety, cleanliness, efficiency, and appropriateness of campus space. Schools should pay attention to regular environmental disinfection and cleanliness to avoid breeding of vector mosquitoes or group infections, create a safe and comfortable environment and be effective and active Epidemic prevention measures are implemented to implement a clean and tidy campus environment.
    Finally, based on the results of the research, several suggestions are put forward for reference by the kindergarten and future researchers of this case.

    Keywords: Rivate kindergartens, School Innovation, PInnovative Management
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105911017
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