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Title: | 臺灣偏遠地區國民中小學參與社區地方創生之研究 Regional Revitalization on Rural Schools and Local Community |
Authors: | 黃奕禎 Huang, Yi-Zhen |
Contributors: | 陳榮政 黃奕禎 Huang, Yi-Zhen |
Keywords: | 地方創生 偏遠地區學校 學校與社區互動 社區發展 Regional revitalization Rural school Interactions between schools and communities Community development |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:27:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「地方創生」的概念源起於日本,其主要目標為振興地方經濟發展,重新激化地方發展的活力,以解決高齡少子女化、人口結構失衡的問題。臺灣於2018年底開始正式推動地方創生政策,並將2019年訂為臺灣地方創生元年,欲透過地方創生減緩高齡少子女化、人口過度集中於都會地區,以及城鄉發展失衡等問題。而地方創生優先推動的區域大多位於偏遠地區,在偏遠地區範疇內,學校通常為社區重要的文教據點,因此本研究欲以教育的觀點去探討偏遠地區學校如何參與社區的地方創生,透過瞭解學校與社區的互動關係、學校引進資源之情形進一步加以延伸探究學校參與地方創生的可行性,並思考增強學校投入地方創生連結之策略,以共同促進學校與社區的發展活絡。 本研究透過田野調查法、深度訪談法,嘗試藉由地方創生的理念去探討偏遠地區學校參與及投入創生的可能性,並且透過分析、歸納的方式發現研究結論有六點:(一)偏遠地區合適之校務治理模式,奠基在學校資源與社區運作的結合;(二)偏遠地區學校應善用資源與人際網絡,引進學校內外部資源,以發揮社區文教功能,增廣受益的極大化;(三)「課程」為偏遠地區學校參與社區地方創生的主要管道之一,作為學校在地深「根」的基礎;(四)以縱向之跨域結合,增強偏遠地區學校投入地方創生的連結緊密度;(五)偏遠地區學校對「地方創生」的認知落差,仍影響學校的積極參與度;(六)政府機關投入中小學教育資源的方向,缺乏與「地方創生」有明顯的關聯。最後,根據地方創生與教育領域、偏遠地區學校之後續發展,提出未來研究及政策之相關建議。 The concept of regional revitalization originated from Japan, and its main objective is to revitalize local economic development and reboot development vitality, and solve the problem of demographic imbalance. Taiwan have formally promoted regional revitalization policy since the end of 2018 and set 2019 as the first year of regional revitalization in Taiwan. To slow the problems of human depopulation and aged society, over-concentration of the population in urban areas, and imbalances between urban and rural development through regional revitalization. Most of the areas where is prior to do regional revitalization are in rural areas. In rural areas, schools play important role as cultural and educational strongholds of the community. Thus, this study wants to explore how rural schools participate in regional revitalization on local community. Through understanding the interaction between schools and communities, the utilization of resources by schools to further explore the feasibility of school participation in regional revitalization. Besides, to jointly promote the development of schools and communities, this study wants to understand the strategies that enhancing the link of schools engage into regional revitalization. Through field surveys and in-depth interviews, this study attempts to explore the possibility of rural schools participation and investment in placemaking by the concept of regional revitalization, and find out six conclusions through analysis and inductive reasoning: (a) Appropriate school governance model in rural areas is laid on the foundation for the combination of school resources and community operation; (b) Rural schools should make good use of resource networks and interpersonal relations, introduce internal and external resources in schools, so as to play the role of community culture and education, and increase the extent of benefits; (c) In rural areas, "curriculum" is one of the main conduits for schools to participate in regional revitalization, as the foundation of the school`s deep "root" ; (d) With vertical cross-domain integration, rural schools can enhance the link that participate in regional revitalization; (e) The poor perception to regional revitalization of rural schools still affects their productive of participation; (f) The direction of government agencies` investment in educational resources in primary and secondary schools is not clearly related to regional revitalization. Finally, according to follow-up development of regional revitalization, education fields, and rural schools, this study will provide relevant suggestions for future research and policy. |
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