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    题名: 領導者與部屬交換關係(LMX)理論主題文獻之知識基礎與研究前沿
    The Intellectual Bases and Research Fronts of Leader–member Exchange(LMX) Theory
    作者: 張于玲
    Chang, Yu-Ling
    贡献者: 吳政達
    Wu, Cheng-Ta
    Chang, Yu-Ling
    关键词: 領導者與部屬交換關係理論
    leader–member exchange theory
    citation analysis
    co-citacion analysis
    bibliographic coupling analysis
    intellectual bases
    research fronts
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 18:26:51 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來的領導研究愈來愈強調關係領導的重要,因此領導者與部屬交換關係理論(Leader–member Exchange Theory)逐漸受到研究者的重視,相關研究與文獻也大量出現。本研究將Web of Science與Scopus資料庫中LMX理論的相關文獻進行梳理,並利用引文分析、共被引分析與中心性分析建構起LMX理論的知識基礎,最後再利用書目耦合分析探測出LMX理論最新的研究前沿。研究結果在知識基礎的部分為(一)高發文量的作者,其被引量不一定是最高的(二)LMX理論文獻最常被收錄於《領導力季刊》(三)LMX理論的主要研究國家為美國(四)LMX理論文獻在2010年代後急遽增加(五)LMX理論發展至今被引頻次最高的文獻為《奠基於關係的領導方法:25年來 LMX領導理論的發展:應用多層次、多領域的觀點》(六)LMX理論中最重要的作者為Graen, G(七)LMX理論中最重要的期刊為《應用心理學期刊》(八)LMX理論中最重要的文獻為《奠基於關係的領導方法:25年來 LMX領導理論的發展:應用多層次、多領域的觀點》(九)LMX理論在理論擴張期之文獻彼此間共同的參考文獻量偏低(十)《領導者與部屬交換關係與績效:後設分析回顧》與最多文獻主題相關聯;在研究前沿的部分為(一)高品質的LMX對於組織或員工創新能力有正面的影響(二)LMX的提升有助於員工做出自我決定(三)LMX的建立過程及其質量高低對組織所產生的影響(四)LMX理論與模型的檢驗與評論(五)高品質的LMX能提升組織或員工的正向行為。綜而言之,LMX理論的相關研究應多參酌高被引作者、期刊與文獻的資料,以及各國的文獻,使研究結果能因地制宜,更能促進LMX理論的多元發展。
    In recent years, leadership studies have given increasing emphasis to the importance of relational leadership. Therefore, the Leader-member Exchange Theory has gradually received the attention of researchers. Relevant researches and literatures have also emerged in large quantities. In this study, the relevant literatures of the LMX Theory in the Web of Science and Scopus database were sorted out. Citation analysis, co-citation analysis, and centrality analysis were adopted to construct the knowledge basis of the LMX theory. Finally, through bibliographic coupling analysis to detect the latest research fronts of the LMX theory. The research results in the knowledge basis part include: (1) Authors with high volumes of articles published do not necessarily have the highest citation; (2) Literatures on the LMX theory are most often included in “The Leadership Quarterly”; (3) The United States is the main country engaged in LMX theory research; (4) Literatures on the LMX theory increased drastically after 2010; (5) Since the development of the LMX theory, the literature with the highest citation frequency is “Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective”; (6) The most important author of the LMX theory is Graen, G; (7) The most important journal in the LMX theory is the “Journal of Applied Psychology”; (8) The most important literature is “Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective”; (9) Literatures on the LMX theory in the theory expansion period have relatively lower common reference literatures; and (10) “Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review” is related to most literature themes. In the research frontier part: (1) High-quality LMX has a positive impact on the innovation capacity of organizations or employees; (2) The enhancement of LMX aids employees in making decisions; (3) The impacts of the LMX establishment process and its quality and quantity level on organizations; (4) The inspection and commentary of the LMX theory and model; (5) High-quality LMX can enhance the positive behaviors of organizations or employees. All in all, LMX theory related researches should refer to data of authors, journals, and literatures with high citations, and literatures from different countries. This way, research results can be adapted to local conditions, thereby promoting the diversified development of the LMX theory.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107171010
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000905
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