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Title: | 以DMIS模式探討境外生跨文化學習之研究—以兩所教育學院為例 The Application of DMIS Model on Foreign Students’ Intercultural Learning Experiences in Taiwan—Take Two Colleges in Education as Case Study |
Authors: | 胡馨文 Hu, Hsin-Wen |
Contributors: | 侯永琪 Hou, Yung-Chi 胡馨文 Hu, Hsin-Wen |
Keywords: | 高等教育國際化 學生流動 跨文化敏銳度發展模式 DMIS 境外學生 跨文化經驗 Internationalization of higher education Student mobility Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity DMIS Foreign students Intercultural learning experiences |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:24:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高等教育國際化的趨勢下,帶起更加頻繁的人員流動。本研究在此背景之下,欲探討來台就讀教育領域之境外生跨文化學習經驗,就其學業、生活、語言三部份之適應議題進行觀察與分析,並透過DMIS理論模式檢視其跨文化發展的心理知覺變化,此模式共分為六個階段—抗拒、防禦、極小化、承認、適應、融合,綜合上述研究結果歸納整理出境外生跨文化學習樣態與對研究場域提出建議。
四、研究場域之個案教育學院致力發展國際化策略,包含建立雙聯學位、設立英語學程等方式,希望加強與國際的連結提升學院國際競爭力以吸引優秀人才。兩學院在國際化發展具有良好表現,來台境外生人數保有穩健成長趨勢。 Over decades, Internationalization of higher education indeed facilitates talent and student mobility. This study is to explore the intercultural learning experience of foreign students who come to Taiwan for studying in the field of education. By applying DMIS model as theoretical framework, foreign students’ academic development, life adaptability and language barriers were analyzed in order to perceive their psychological transformation in the cross-cultural context. There are six distinct stages of DMIS model, including denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation and integration. This study adopts a qualitative method via in-depth interviews. There were 13 interviewees selected from two case universities. Based on the above data collection, the major research results and conclusions are as follows:
1.Students seek professional development and job opportunities through international mobility. Their motivation for choosing the study destinations might be affected by personal, significant others, and environment factors, however, they are able to expand their horizons through intercultural learning experience.
2.Culture differences exist between countries which would influence the adaptability process of foreign students. Attributed to the problem-solving strategies and the blending of time, foreign students achieves for a good adaptation.
3.According to DMIS model, the psychological perception of foreign students in the initial stage stays between defense and minimization stage. After the intercultural learning experience, it changes to adaptation stage, which foreign students can share and appreciate with two cultures, understand their position, and have further plans for their future development.
4.The two cases in college of education are committed to developing internationalization and attract international students in order to strengthen their global connectedness and competitive edge, such as developing double degree programs, promoting English taught courses, etc. The two colleges not only have great accomplishments in internationalization but also continue to have an increasing number of foreign students. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 107152013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107152013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000907 |
Appears in Collections: | [教育學系] 學位論文
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