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Title: | 里幹事角色衝突下行政裁量之探討 -以新北市板橋區公所為例 Administrative Discretion in Role Conflicts of being a Village Clerk -A Case Study of Banqiao District Office |
Authors: | 王丹鈴 Wang, Tan-Ling |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 Hsiao, Nai-Yi 王丹鈴 Wang, Tan-Ling |
Keywords: | 角色衝突 倫理困境 行政裁量 組織溝通 role conflict ethical dilemma administrative discretion organizational communcation |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:19:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台北縣於101年改制為直轄市,板橋市改制為板橋區,里幹事經國家考試及格後任用,其身分為公務人員,編制屬於區公所,在面對官派區長、民選里長產生職權衝突困境,應聽區公所長官的意見還是依里長的意見為意見呢。 本研究透過文獻與次級資料分析、深度訪談法探究發現:1.里幹事介於民選里長與區公所兩種身分間所產生的角色衝突,要能居中協調、穿針引線,有效傳遞訊息,必須做到以下幾項:耐心傾聽里長需求,以同理心角度盡力協助里長處理公務上的大小事情,勿對里長有怠慢敷衍的態度,在傳遞訊息間也能完整正確表達,不要有所隱瞞,造成彼此資訊落差。而里幹事與里長倘能進一步培養良好的合作關係,里長也不願里幹事難做人,造成里幹事的困擾,避免堅持己見,與區公所爭執衝突。2.了解里幹事在適法合理的判斷下,每位里幹事的裁量依據因行事風格而有所差異,有與同事間討論交流意見後做出判斷者,有詢問承辦有無相關行政慣例可參考者,有向上級長官課長報告請求長官裁處者,有因法令規範不明函文民政局釋疑者,有因自身專業知識、行政經驗做出判斷者,但里幹事行政裁量依據:萬變不離其宗,依法行政為最高指導原則。 根據上述研究發現,研究者分別做以下實務建議:提升里幹事的溝通價值功能、檢討調整對里幹事評量內容比重,提高里長對里幹事督導的評分比例、舉辦里長教育訓練講習課程、給予里長明確定位、民政局經費運用法令規範應完備齊全,期透過提升里幹事與里長溝通協調的角色地位,及里長對區公所經費運用、行政作業規定的了解等有效化解里長與區公所間的分歧衝突。 In 2012, Taipei County was restructured to a municipality, Banqiao City into Banqiao District. A village clerk is appointed as a public servant in the district office after passing the civil service examination. In juridsdiction conflicts dealing with the government appointed district executive and the publicly elected village chief, should the clerk obey commands of his superior from the district office or the village chief? Through analysis of official documents and secondary data, and in-depth interviews, this research have demonstrated: First, the village clerk has a role conflict as a result of their position between the publicly elected village chief and the district office. In order to mediate, act as a go-between, and effectively deliver messages, They must do the following rule: 1. Patiently listen to the head of the village`s needs. 2. Try their best with empathy to assist the head of the village in dealing with any major or minor official businesses. 3. Do not try to slight or brush off the head of the village. 4. Be able to correctly and completely express themselves in delivering messages. Second, to understand that villerage clerk makes decisions lawfully and reasonably. Every village clerk`s decision varies in accordance to their style. Some village clerks make decisions after discussing among colleagues. others ask if there are any previous administrative practices that it can refer to. The others report to their supervisor to arbitrate. Furthermore, they may also make decisions depending from asking the Department of Civil Affair about unclear statutes, and their own person professional knowledge, making decisions based on administrative experiences. But no matter how or what the village clerk decides, they`ll always use the administrative law as the principal for guidance. According to the above demonstration of research, this researcher offers the following practical suggestions: 1. Improve the village clerk`s communication skill. 2. Review and adjust the proportion of the content in the village clerk`s evaluation. 3. Increase the proportion of the village chief`s supervisory score to the village clerk. 4. Conduct educational training courses for the village chief. 5. Give the village chief a clear position. 6. Complete the regulations of using funds by discussing with the Department of Civil Affair. It can be expected that conflicts between the village chief and the district office can be resolved by improving communication and coordination between the village clerk and the village chief, and making village chief`s better understanding the regulations of Administrative procedures and using funds. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 106921045 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921045 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000899 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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