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    Title: 社會住宅對周邊房屋價格之影響-以台北市文山區為例
    The impact of social housing on the price of surrounding housing
    Authors: 戴承廷
    Dai, Cheng-Ting
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Wu, Wen-Chieh
    Dai, Cheng-Ting
    Keywords: 社會住宅
    Social Housing
    Taipei City Wenshan district
    Hedonic Price Theory
    Only for rent, not for sale
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:16:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   在高房價的現象下,對於社會與經濟弱勢家庭而言,想要擁有一處房屋是相當困難的,而政府在近幾年推動了社會住宅政策,希望能在高房價的背景下,提供沒有能力在房屋市場購買或承租房屋之家庭一個合適且符合尊嚴的居住環境。但在社會住宅堆動的過程中卻因為附近居民的反對而受到阻礙,由於過去國民住宅在興建品質、住宅管理與維護、房屋空間設計等方面的缺失,導致人民留下對國民住宅的負面觀感,而社會住宅基地周邊居民則擔心社會住宅會與國民住宅同樣對地方帶來負面的影響,而影響房屋價值,因此反對社會住宅的興建。
      In the status of extravagant housing prices, it’s relatively difficult for socially and economically disadvantaged families to possess real estate. In the light of this situation, government has issued social housing policy in recent years to provide people who lack of purchasing or renting ability with a compatible and dignify inhabitation environment. However, due to many negative outcomes from the past public housing , such as flaws in construction quality, management and maintenance and space design, the social housing policy has been impeded by the local neighborhood, fearing the negative influence of social housing will impact their own real estate value.
      The study used 2018 real estate transaction from the Wenshan district in Taipei city, and conducted with Rosen’s Hedonic Price Theory to apply Ordinary Least Squares Method regression model at the social housing of Wenshan district, in order to understand the impact regarding surrounding housing price. The conclusion has shown that housing price is relatively higher within the one kilometer radius of social housing and the price will decrease progressively by the distances, which means when the house is farther away from the social housing, the lower the housing price will be. In addition, the study also discovers that social housing rental has a positive effect on neighbor housing prices. Although its only for rental policy has prevented social housing entering the real estate market, its renting price would still cause indirect effect, which makes social housing has similar substitution relation toward the private house, just like a general commodity. Therefore, when government lowered the renting prices of social housing due to policy consideration, this change would also reduce people`s need of house purchasing, resulting in real estate price decrease and achieving the effect of suppressing housing prices. According to our findings, social housing would not cause a negative effect on surrounding housing prices; on the contrary, it has produced a positive effect. In conclusion, the study believed that people`s NIMBY effect is only a derivative prejudice from the stereotype.
    Reference: 一、中文文敵
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000990
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