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    Title: 稅務資訊交換對跨國企業區位選擇的影響-國別報告揭露程度
    The Impact of Tax Information Exchange on MNE’s Location Choice-Country by Country Reporting Disclosure
    Authors: 劉嘉英
    Liu, Chia-Ying
    Contributors: 陳香梅

    Liu, Chia-Ying
    Keywords: 區位選擇
    location choice
    Country-by-Country Report
    tax information transparency
    tax information exchange
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:16:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 稅務資訊透明已是全球反避稅風潮下無法避免的趨勢,稅務資訊交換協議(TIEA)和國別報告(CbCR)皆是為了提升租稅透明度而設計的稅務資訊交換機制,然而目前尚未有文獻探討TIEA、CbCR對跨國企業區位選擇的影響。另外,由於各國採用的國別報告申報機制之不同,即僅允許第一機制或可採第二機制,而第二機制是否採代理申報或本地申報,均關係到不同程度的資訊揭露;然目前卻尚未有文獻聚焦於國別報告的資訊揭露程度是否會對區位選擇造成影響。
    為研究稅務資訊交換,尤其著重於國別報告機制對區位選擇的影響,本文採用特定替代方案條件邏輯斯模型 (alternative specific conditional logit),研究2001年至2018 年間台灣上市櫃公司海外新設立的分支機構之區位選擇行為。本文實證結果發現TIEA和CbCR皆會對區位選擇造成負向顯著的影響,顯示稅務資訊交換後,導致租稅規避行為更容易被發現,進而影響該區位的選擇。最重要的,本文首度證實國別報告的揭露程度,會對區位選擇造成顯著的負向影響。若地主國的第二機制僅能透過本地申報,將會大幅降低母公司在該地設立分支機構的機率。推論是因為國別報告揭露的內容涉及跨國企業的利潤配置,一般被母公司視為商業機密,因此不願意揭露給分支機構。若地主國希望吸引外資投資,尤其是資訊交換網絡不廣闊的國家,國別報告制度應越簡便越好,才能降低資訊揭露對於跨國企業的衝擊。
    Tax transparency is a trend under global anti-tax avoidance. Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) and Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) are mechanisms designed to improve tax transparency. However, there is no literature discussing the impact of TIEA and CbCR on MNE’s location choice. In addition, Countries may apply different sharing mechanism for CbCR. Some only accept primary mechanism, and others accept secondary mechanism, such as surrogate filling and local filling. However, there is no literature discussing whether the information disclosure in CbCR will affect MNE’s location choice.
    In order to investigate the impact of tax information exchange on MNE’s location choice, this paper uses alternative specific conditional logit model to examine the newly established overseas branches of Taiwanese MNE from 2001 to 2018. The empirical results find that both TIEA and CbCR will have a significant negative impact on location choice. Most importantly, this paper is the first one to confirm that the degree of information disclosure in CbCR will have a significant negative impact on location choice. If second mechanism can only accept local filing, it will greatly reduce the probability of setting up a branch in that country. The result can infer that the disclosure in CbCR involves the profit allocation of MNE, which is regarded as a trade secret by parent company, so parent company is unwilling to disclose it to branches. Therefore, if countries hope to attract foreign investment, the CbCR rule should be as simple as possible to reduce the negative impact of information disclosure on MNE.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107255028
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000946
    Appears in Collections:[財政學系] 學位論文

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