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    Title: 影響正職工作者選擇額外兼差之因素
    Factors Affecting the Decision of a Full-time Employee Choosing an Extra Part-time Job
    Authors: 林亦軒
    Lin, Yi-Shuan
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Wu, Wen-Chieh
    Lin, Yi-Shuan
    Keywords: 額外兼差
    Extra part-time jobs
    Household characteristics
    Gender differences
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:15:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去鮮少針對民眾在有正職條件下仍選擇做第二份工作之研究。在消費者物價指數快速飆漲、消費型態改變、房價所得比逐年提升以及新行業型態興起的情況下,許多正職工作者會選擇額外兼差,主要目的為增加收入來支付逐漸加重之經濟負擔。本文使用2017年行政院主計處家庭收支調查資料並利用Probit 模型探討經濟戶長之個人特徵、可支配所得以及非消費性支出如房貸對於兼業機率之影響。
    Until now, few studies have analyzed a full-time employee choosing an extra part-time job. However, many factors such as CPI soared over 20.61 % in past 16 years, changing in consumption patterns, increasing ratio of house price to income and E-commerce, express delivery services and other emerging businesses developed rapidly often affect the probability of full-time employee choosing another job. This paper use the cross-sectional data of the report on survey of family income and expenditure in 2017 and construct Probit regression model to examine the marginal effect of independent variable.
    The empirical results show that personal characteristics such as men, age, years of education have positive and significant influence on the probability of choosing an extra part-time job. The occupation level, employment status as boss, work place in Taipei City or New Taipei City, full-time job’s industry as manufacturing or non-KIBS and total full-time payroll have significant negative effect. Especially in female of households heads, empirical results show that the married status, total interest of the house loans and the number of dependents have considerable effect of the probability of choosing an extra part-time job.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107255021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000873
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