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    题名: 臺灣本國銀行效率和生產力分析 - 一般化Malmquist生產力指數之應用
    The efficiency and productivity analysis of domestic banks in Taiwan with the application of generalized Malmquist productivity index
    作者: 高世修
    Kao, Shih-Hsiu
    贡献者: 李文福
    Lee, Wen-Fu
    Kao, Shih-Hsiu
    关键词: 台灣本國銀行
    Taiwanese domestic banks
    Stochastic frontier analysis
    Three-step procedure
    Generalized Malmquist total factor productivity index
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 18:11:09 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在多投入多產出的情況下,本文使用投入距離函數衡量2007年第1季至2017年第4季18家台灣本國(本土)銀行的效率值,並使用隨機邊界分析法(Stochastic Frontier Analysis;SFA)進行估計。本文採用Henningsen and Henning (2009)提出的三階段估計法確保估計的投入距離函數滿足經濟理論的單調性(monotonicity),以獲得更正確的效率值。在衡量生產力變動方面,本文使用李文福、張佩茹(2013)推導出的投入導向一般化Malmquist總要素生產力指數,分析銀行總要素生產力變動及其來源。實證結果顯示: (1)未滿足單調性的模型,其效率估計值可能會被高估。(2)全體銀行的季平均效率值為0.9351,顯示研究樣本中的銀行在投入資源的運用上仍有6.49%的改善空間。(3)在影響銀行技術效率之環境變數分析中,本文發現銀行為金控子公司、逾放比率以及分行數目,皆與無效率因子呈現顯著正相關,是三項不利的環境因素,而銀行規模與資本適足率則與無效率因子呈現顯著負相關,是兩項有利的環境因素,至於銀行為公股銀行對於無效率因子的影響為負,但係數在統計上並不顯著。(4)在總要素生產力變動及其變動來源方面,本文發現純技術效率變動幅度相對較大。樣本期間平均而言,純技術效率每季微幅進步(+0.106%),技術每季微幅成長(+0.004%),而規模效率則每季退步(-0.019%)。此外,導致生產力變動的主要來源為純技術效率變動,次之則為規模效率變動,而且樣本銀行目前屬於規模報酬遞減階段。綜合言之,銀行的總要素生產力變動與總體經濟環境有著密切的關係。
    This paper uses input distance function and stochastic frontier analysis to estimate efficiency scores and total factor productivity changes of 18 domestic banks in Taiwan from 2007 Q1 to 2017 Q4. To obtain correct efficiency scores, this paper adopts the simple three-step procedure proposed by Henningsen and Henning (2009). After three-step estimation, this paper uses the input-oriented generalized Malmquist total factor productivity index derived from Lee and Zhang (2013) to analyze productivity change and its components. The empirical results indicate that efficiency scores estimated from models violating monotonicity may be overestimated. Furthermore, this paper finds that banks controlled by financial holding companies, Non-Performing Loans Ratio (NPLR), and number of branches are negative environmental variables, while bank size (measured by total assets) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) are positive ones. On average, for the whole bank, in each quarter, pure technical efficiency increases, technology progresses, scale efficiency decreases, and productivity improves. The main factor dominating productivity change is pure technical efficiency change. Overall, productivity change is closely associated with the economic conditions at that time.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107258002
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000988
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