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    Title: 獎勵措施提升居民續用住宿類綠建築標章意願之研究-以雙北市為例
    The effect of green building incentive policy on the residents for enhancing the renewal intention of green building label-A case study on Taipei City and New Taipei City
    Authors: 陳宥羽
    Chen, You-Yu
    Contributors: 孫振義
    Sun, Chen-Yi
    Chen, You-Yu
    Keywords: 綠建築
    green building
    renewal of green building label
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:08:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 綠建築之規劃設計理念實為當前建築發展之趨勢,現今推動民間綠建築發展的手段,經常透過容積獎勵制度鼓勵開發商興建綠建築,以提升民間參與綠建築之比例。然而,在推動過程中多著重於綠建築之興建及綠建築標章之取得,較少針對綠建築標章後續之延續加以考量,使得多數民間綠建築案件於標章五年效期屆滿後多未辦理續用,而民間綠建築案件數中,住宿類綠建築雖占比最高,其標章續用率卻為各建築使用類別中最低者。依過往之研究可知綠建築推行上之阻礙主要歸咎於誘因不足,然過去研究鮮有探討獎勵措施提升綠建築使用者續用標章意願之議題。爰此,本研究旨在釐清獎勵措施對於居民續用綠建築標章意願之影響,以提供未來住宿類綠建築標章獎勵措施設計參考。
    Green building plays an important role in building design, not only reduce or eliminate negative impacts on the environment,but also have a positive impact on the environment by increasing biodiversity. However, in the process of promoting green buildings, the government usually focuses on the construction of green buildings and the certification of green building labels, and pays less attention to the subsequent renewal of green building labels, making most private green building cases didn’t renew the label after expiration. Many studies point out that the obstacles to the implementation of green buildings are mainly attributed to insufficient incentives. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the impact of incentives on residents` intention to renew the green building label, and serve as a reference for making incentive policy to renewal of green building label in the future.
    Through the literature review and expert interview survey, The eight types of incentives should be considered as “Tax reduction and exemption”, “Concessional loan”, “Incentive payments”, “Renovation subsidy”, “Label renewal subsidy”, “Acceleration of renewal procedure”, “Reduction of basic electricity and water fees” and “Praise”.
    The essay conducted a questionnaire survey on the residents of green buildings in order to clarify the impact of incentives on residents` intention to renew the green building labels. The analysis results showed that under the conditions of incentives, the intention of residents to renew the green building label is significantly greater than the situation without incentives, confirming that the incentive measures have certain incentive effects on residents. In addition, when incentives rise, the intention of residents to renew green building labels will increase, and the incentive effects of different incentive measures on residents are different at diferent incentive levels.
    Finally, this essay suggest that the government could set incentive policy to encourage residents for renewing the green building labels, and check the green building condition to measure incentive qualifications and determine the level of rewards. In this way, the government can guide residents to renew green building labels.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107257002
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000740
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