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Title: | 影響接受基地所有權人申請古蹟土地容積移轉意願分析-以臺北市為例 An Analysis on the Willingness of Land Owners’ Application for the Transfer of Land Capacity of Historic Sites – Taipei City as An Example |
Authors: | 莊雯惠 Chuang, Wen-Hui |
Contributors: | 林左裕 莊雯惠 Chuang, Wen-Hui |
Keywords: | 古蹟土地 容積移轉 發展權 AHP層級程序分析法 historic sites capacity transfer development rights hierarchy process analysis (AHP) |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:07:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 古蹟保存的意義在於延續歷史人類所生活的足跡,透過修復再利用及永續管理維護,可充實國民精神生活及發揚多元文化。古蹟就土地權屬來看可分為公有及私有古蹟,其中公有古蹟受政府監督,容易被保存,私有古蹟在保存過程中,雖有稅賦減免及申請政府單位不定期的修繕補助,仍需自籌5-10%的修復經費,後續的管理維護如無足夠的財力與熱忱根本無法永續維護。觀目前在私有古蹟補償機制上有三種機制,分別為徵收、協議價格及容積移轉等三項,前二項在政府預算有限情況下,仍以容積移轉於自由市場上買賣為主要補償機制。 1998年我國實施古蹟土地容積移轉辦法,至今逾20年期間辦理古蹟土地容積移出個案約13處,其中10處位於臺北市,核給之古蹟土地容積移轉許可證明達101件,顯示臺北市運用古蹟土地容積移轉制度已趨成熟,但相較於都市計畫類容積移轉及大稻埕容積移轉市場較小,尚有都市更新獎勵及危老獎勵等替代性較高的容積工具,因此在古蹟土地權屬整合困難、程序複雜及轉換公式較差的困境下,古蹟土地容積移轉市場是接受基地所有權人在基地開發時容積移入的最後選項。本研究欲探究的是如何提高接受基地所有權人(包含建設公司、開發商等使用者)申請古蹟土地容積移轉之意願?檢視有關古蹟土地容積移轉相關文獻,發現多著墨於法令及制度層面,由於案例稀少無法進一步探討實務困境,因此本研究檢視各類型容積移轉在法令申請限制及買賣條件下,古蹟土地容積移轉最佳使用方式為何?再透過歷年臺北市政府核發古蹟土地容積移轉案例分析,何以致接受基地所有權人願意申請古蹟土地容積移轉? 由於接受基地考量使用容積移轉前,受各項規劃工具影響,依據開發方式、開發基地本身條件不同,進而影響使用容積獎勵及容積移轉類型,其考量因素甚多,故本研究透過國內外文獻、現行法令限制、買賣條件及歷年古蹟土地容積移轉許可案例分析,交叉分析及歸納整理出接受基地所有權人在面對容積移轉時考量因素及可能使用古蹟土地容積移轉之因素,包含財務誘因、法令限制、交易制度及教育宣導等四大面向及十六項因素,運用AHP層級程序分析法針對影響因素進行問卷調查,最後計算因素權重值順序分析,確認接受基地申請古蹟土地容積移轉之意願,依實證結果提供政府擬定相關法令及容積移轉兩造基地所有權人市場建議與參考依據,進而強化古蹟土地容積移轉可行性,提高古蹟所有權人修復及管理維護經費自籌率,引導古蹟所有權人永續保存文化資產。 Historic site preservation extends humanity`s historical footprint to our everyday lives through reuse, restoration, and sustainable management. It enriches the mind and spirit of the nation`s public with flourishing multiculturalism. From the perspective of property rights, historic sites can be further divided into publicly owned and privately owned sites. The publicly-owned sites receive government supervision and can be more easily conserved. As for privately owned sites, while the owner could receive tax exemptions and can be legible to apply for government subventions for conservation purposes, owners still need to raise 5-10% of the budget for conservational work. The managing and conserving privately owned historic sites would not maintain sustainability without adequate financial support and enthusiasm. Currently, there are three subvention mechanisms for privately owned historic sites, including acquisition, negotiated pricing, and capacity transfer. The first two mechanisms are capped by a restrictive government budget, which leaves capacity transfer is the primary subvention mechanism in free market transactions. Since the promulgation of the land capacity transfer ordinances for historic sites in 1998, 13 sites have registered for land capacity transfer applications in the past two decades, among which ten sites are located in Taipei City. A total of 101 land capacity transfer permits for historic sites have been issued, indicating the maturity of Taipei City`s protocol for handling historic site land capacity transfer. Yet, historic sites have a much smaller market compared with urban planning-related capacity transfers. It is also lower than the land capacity transfer market for properties in the Dadaocheng region. The reason is that these cases tend to benefit from land capacity transfer benefits, such as urban renewal bonuses and subventions for dilapidated buildings. Hence, property owners of historic sites face challenges in property rights consolidation, procedural hurdles, and disadvantaged conversion formulae. In other words, the capacity transfer market for historic sites is the last option left for property recipients when dealing with in-transfer capacity in land development projects. This study aims to explore possible avenues to increase the willingness among property recipients (including facilitators such as construction companies and land developers) to apply for historic site land capacity transfer. Relevant literature on historic site land capacity transfers mainly concern ordinances and regulatory aspects, with little case studies that hinder discussions on practicalities. Therefore, this research surveyed different types of capacity transfers and focused on how to best utilize historic site land capacity transfer under the current legal application restraints and conditions of the transaction. This study also carried out an analysis of past cases in which the Taipei City government-issued permitted for capacity transfer and asked how property recipients became willing applicants for land capacity transfer in cases concerning historic sites. It is recognized that the received property would have been subject to various property development planning instruments before entering into capacity transfer protocols. Also, the method of development and the conditions of the developing property would certainly vary case-by-case, leading to differences in approaches to utilize capacity bonuses, and the type of capacity transfer applicable. Therefore, this research surveys a range of documents and sources, including the domestic and international literature, current regulations and limitations, conditions of transaction, and past land capacity transfer permits for historic sites for cross-analysis, collation, and data cleansing. The aim is to identify the factors taken into consideration by property recipients assessing capacity transfer situations and factors that may impact the use of capacity transfers for historic sites, including financial incentives, legal restrictions, transaction protocols, and educational promotions. Data sorted based on four dimensions and 16 factors are then subjected to analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis to identify impact factors for further questionnaire survey work. Lastly, factor-weighted sequence analysis provides calculations that confirm the property recipients` intent to apply for historic site land capacity transfer. This research`s empirical results are provided to government agencies involved in setting ordinances and regulations and recommended to property owners and property transfer recipients the property market. Hopefully, the results can contribute to improved feasibility of land capacity transfers for historic sites and increased private fundraising capacity for owners of historic sites to cover conservational and maintenance fees and guide owners of historic sites to engage in sustainable cultural asset preservation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 106923010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106923010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000857 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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