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Title: | 地方政府推行公共費用電子化支付的策略 A study of local governments’ strategies of adopting public e-payment |
Authors: | 陳順穆 Chen, Shun-Mu |
Contributors: | 朱斌妤 Chu, Pin-Yu 陳順穆 Chen, Shun-Mu |
Keywords: | 電子化支付 公共費用代收 政策擴散 策略聯盟 品牌忠誠度 E-Payment Collection service of public payment Policy diffusion Strategic alliance Brand royalty |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:03:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 資通訊科技的蓬勃發展,引發電子化支付的國際潮流,從民生的剛性需求發展出這種便利性高,且不受地域限制的新興支付方式。在臺灣,政府也將電子化支付比率的提升視為重要發展的政策。在過去的相關研究當中,電子化支付側重於商業研究,舉凡對於新興科技的系統、平台、應用程式的科技接受程度。然而,本研究著重於地方政府將公共費用導入電子化支付,提供民眾更為多元的繳費管道,對於地方政府、電子化支付業者、銀行業者與民眾等各方利害關係人的策略。
本研究建議未來地方政府電子化支付代繳公共費用的政策,能朝向平台式、全國式的方向發展,透過繳費流程改造與統一格式與系統化對帳,降低行政繁冗,並且加強地方政府的角色,多與業者共同推出誘因,吸引更多民眾的使用,讓雙方的效益能夠互利共生,也使得電子化支付代繳公共費用的政策能夠持續推廣。 The rapid innovations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) lead to the emergence of e-payment which is convenient and not specially limited way of paying boosted by rigid demand of democracy. In Taiwan, the government has seen the development of e-payment ratio as a major policy. Previous researches concerning e-payment focused on its commercial aspects, such as the acceptance of innovative technology’s system, platform, or application. The present research will turn to explore how different players, such as local government, e-payment practitioners, banks, citizens and different stakeholders, adopting e-payment in the context of public payments. Using in-depth interview, the present research concludes that the local government and practitioners have some incentives, difficulties and strategies when they introduce e-payment to the public payments. Practitioners (both e-payment practitioners and banks) who provide collection services actually do not see handling fees as the major source of profit but as imaginary profit. Local government may be restricted to national policy, peer pressure comes from other local government’s smart city policy and expectation of citizens and in turn implements e-payment. E-payment practitioners launch appeals to citizens in order to create their stickiness to specific payment service and brand royalty. Due to market competition, e-payment practitioners and banks begin to unite with the same industry or other industries to create synergy and maximize profit. The present research suggests that local government should turn to create a convergent platform in a national level when conceives the e-payment policy of public payment. The local government should utilize the transformation and standardization of payment process and systemized accounting to cut tedious administrative work. In this way, e-payment policy can on the one hand strengthens and fulfills local government’s duty, and on the other hand, profit private practitioners and provide citizens convenient services. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 107256024 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001127 |
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