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    Title: 失信的社群媒體 : 探討臉書新聞內容的敵意媒體感知
    In social media we distrust: Investigating hostile media perception of Facebook news content
    Authors: 莫荷嘉
    Csarno, Helga Gabriella
    Contributors: 韓義興
    Yi-Hsing (Paul) Han
    Csarno, Helga Gabriella
    Keywords: Social media
    Media trust
    Media credibility
    Hostile media effect
    Journalistic roles
    United States
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:02:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: The majority of internet users today find their news on social media (Gil de Zúñiga et al.,
    2017), however, media trust, and especially trust in social media is low. (Edelman, 2019) In
    growing political polarization the effects of perceived media hostility are also gaining more
    importance. In this research readers of international news were surveyed in an online
    experiment to assess how issue involvement on the 2020 military conflict between the United
    States and Iran correlates with general trust in the media and with the credibility of the largest
    social media network, Facebook, as a news source. The current research investigated whether
    the hostile media effect still occurs in a purely social media context and results showed that
    partisans (those with a strong supporting or opposing opinion on the military conflict)
    perceive news content on Facebook as hostile along the same lines as they do in a traditional
    media context. This study also made an attempt to understand how content creation is related
    to bias perception, namely, what segments of social news content and which mainstream
    journalistic role contribute to perceived bias. This study fills the literature gap of the hostile
    media effect in a social media context. Findings may also have implications for the news
    industry as to how journalist roles and content segments influence audience perceptions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107461018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000898
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