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Title: | 死亡權之憲法基礎與權利界限 The Constitutional Basis and Limitation of Right to Die |
Authors: | 李偉健 Lee, Wai-Kin |
Contributors: | 蘇永欽 許耀明 Su, Yeong-Chin Hsu, Yao-Ming 李偉健 Lee, Wai-Kin |
Keywords: | 死亡權 安樂死 協助自殺 拒絕醫療權 病人自主權 憲法基礎 病人自主權利法 安寧緩和醫療條例 Right to Die Euthanasia Assisted Suicide Right to Refuse Treatment Patient Right to Autonomy Constitutional Basis Patient Right to Autonomy Act Hospice Palliative Care Act |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:00:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 早期《安寧緩和醫療條例》之權利主體僅限於末期病人,後來《病人自主權利法》亦僅稍作放寬,這意味著很多未達條件但有求死意願的病人未能依法結束生命。有經濟能力者尚能出國自殺旅遊,反之則只能在國內等待死亡。
本文將死亡權定位為憲法權利,冀從現行憲法框架中尋找其權利基礎。繼而討論實踐死亡權之界限,並參考美國、瑞士、德國、加拿大、印度、英國、荷蘭及比利時,共八個國家的安樂死制度。最後嘗試將各國法制層級化以便比較,並建立一套適切的安樂死法制。 The “Hospice Palliative Care Act” is specifically stipulated to respect only the terminal illness patients’ will on the medical treatment. Even though “Patient Right to Autonomy Act” has been enforced in 2019, considerable amount patients are ineligible to seek for relief through euthanasia or assisted suicide. While the wealthy could select suicide tourism, the ordinary people are waiting for death in pain with no alternative.
The purpose of this paper is to locate a constitutional right to death, and discover the constitutional basis and limitation of Right to die. This research refers to the norms related to euthanasia of United States, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, India, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Belgium. Comparison and contraction of the norms from various countries to determine a hierarchical comparison model and frame a suitable euthanasia act for Taiwan. |
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先期電子出版文章 Zannoni, Diego, (in press). Right or Duty to Live? Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide from the Perspective of the European Convention on Human Rights, European Journal of Legal Studies. https://ejls.eui.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2020/06/Zannoni-FINAL-ONLINE-FIRST.pdf |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 105651066 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1056510661 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000878 |
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