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    Title: 企業社會責任參與與活力感: 工作意義感、自主性的中介式調節模型
    Participation with Corporate Social Responsibility and Vitality: A Mediated Moderation Model of Meaningfulness at Work and Autonomy
    Authors: 張惟程
    Chang, Wei-Cheng
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Chang, Wei-Cheng
    Keywords: 社會企業責任參與
    Parpicapation with corporate social responsibility
    Self-determination theory
    Work meaningfulness
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:56:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代與環境的演進變遷,企業愈來愈加龐大,以至於不能夠再如同過去只考慮自身與投資者的利益,這使得在近30年來,企業社會責任已儼然成為組織行為的重要議題之一。然而,過往的企業社會責任研究,卻過度強調其對組織競爭力的影響,而忽略了員工做為執行者所帶來的影響,以及員工之間異質性的影響。因此,本研究以自我決定論作為核心理論,欲探討員工的企業社會責任參與與其自主性的交互效果帶來的影響。本研究主張員工的企業社會責任與其自主性的交互效果會透過工作意義感的中介效果而提高員工的活力感。本研究採用問卷調查法,並以台灣企業全職員工作為受試者,以兩階段時間隔離的問卷法施測,並收集了266位有效樣本。本研究的結果支持:(一)企業社會責任參與與自主性的交互效果會正向影響工作意義感;(二)工作意義感會正向影響活力感;(三)CSR參與及自主性的交互效果會藉由工作意義感的中介來正向影響活力感,形成一個完全中介式調節模型。本研究的研究結果說明當員工在參與CSR行為時,其自主性會調節該行為對其工作意義感的影響,並且藉此進而提升員工的活力感。本研究所得出的中介式調節模型將有助於未來研究者在社會企業責任相關研究的發展及自我決定論的理解。同時,本研究也建議在實務上,企業可以藉由建立良好的社會企業責任文化及制度來提升員工的工作意義感及活力,並運用教育訓練讓員工認同其重要性或建立有挑戰性及具有樂趣的社會企業責任活動,提高自主性,以強化對員工的正向影響。最後,本研究也針對自身限制及未來研究方向提出討論,期望能作為未來相關研究的礎石。
    As time and environment change, the growing scope of organizations has urged them to think beyond the benefits of themselves and their stakeholders; therefore, corporate social responsibility, CSR, has become a paramount issue in organizational behavior studies for the past three decades. However, past CSR researchers have overly emphasized its impact on an organization’s competitiveness, overlooking the impacts of employee participation and their heterogeneity. Thus, based on self-determination theory, the present study investigated the influence of the interaction between employees’ CSR participation and autonomy. Our research maintained that such interaction could increase employee’s vitality via the mediation of work meaningfulness. The study is conducted with two-staged questionnaires collected from 266 employees at enterprises in Taiwan. The collected data supported the following three results. First, the interaction between employees’ participation with CSR and autonomy impacted work meaningfulness positively. Second, work meaningfulness positively impacted vitality. Third, the interaction between employees’ participation with CSR and autonomy positively impacted vitality via the mediation of work meaningfulness, demonstrating a full mediated-moderation model. The discovered mediated-moderation model serves as a cornerstone for future researchers to develop CSR studies and to enhance understandings of self-determination frameworks. In practice, our research suggested that firms should establish favorable CSR cultures and systems to increase work meaningfulness and vitality of employees. Meanwhile, they can utilize training to let employees identify CSR or create challenging and enjoyable CSR activities to increase autonomy for strengthening CSR’s positive effect on employees. Finally, the study discussed its limit and provided implications for future research directions.
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