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    Title: 學齡前自閉症兒童家長之親職壓力與生活品質:兒童特質、家長親職效能和因應策略之角色
    Parental Stress and Quality of Life in Parents of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Roles of Child`s Characteristics, Parental Efficacy and Coping Strategies
    Authors: 蔡必婕
    Tsai, Bi-Jie
    Contributors: 姜忠信
    Chiang, Chung-Hsin
    Tsai, Bi-Jie
    Keywords: 親職壓力
    Parental stress
    Quality of life
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Parental efficacy
    Coping strategies
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:55:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景與目的:自閉症類群障礙症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)兒童的家長在養育子女的過程中,往往面臨更大的親職壓力及較差的生活品質。雙重ABCX模型是一個被認為可有效解釋ASD兒童家長親職壓力的模型,然而,在過往針對親職壓力影響因子的討論中,鮮少提及家長的內在心理資源,也較少討論兒童行為特徵與家長適應間的第三變項,且單純針對學齡前ASD兒童家長的研究亦不足。是故,研究一之目的為針對學齡前ASD兒童的家長,討論其親職壓力之影響因子。此外,生活品質逐漸受到重視的今日,了解生活品質的影響因子可讓臨床工作者找出高風險群並給予適切協助,有利於家長和兒童的適應,然而,針對學齡前ASD兒童家長的研究仍較有限,因此,研究二之目的為針對學齡前ASD兒童的家長,討論其生活品質之影響因子。



    Objectives: Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) report higher level of parental stress and lower level of quality of life than parents of children with other developmental disabilities. Past literature have demonstrated the utility of the Double ABCX model of understanding parental stress for the parents raising a child with ASD. However, little is known about the role of parental internal resources, and the third variables between child characteristics and parental adaptation. Also, there is still little discussion the issue about the parents who have children with ASD in preschooler age. As a results, the purpose of study 1 is to explore the potential factors of parental stress in parents of preschool-age children with ASD. In addition, recently has raised concerns about the quality of life of parents of children with ASD. A better understanding of parental quality of life can inform clinicians to identify high-risk group and provide appropriate assistance, leading to better outcomes for both parents and children. Accordingly, the purpose of study 2 is to explore the potential predictors of parental quality of life in parents of preschool-age children with ASD.

    Methods: Seventy preschool-age children diagnosed with ASD and their parents (67 mothers and 3 fathers) participated in both study 1 and study 2. Using standardized assessment tools to measure children’s developmental quotient and ASD severity, and assess children’s adaptive behavior, behavior problems, parental coping strategies, parental efficacy, parental stress and quality of life through questionnaires.

    Results: The results of study 1 revealed that among the potential predictors of parental stress, parental efficacy is the strongest predictor, followed by child behavior problems and parental active avoidance coping toward stressors. Higher levels of parental efficacy, lower levels of child behavior problem, and the less use of active avoidance coping were associated with lower levels of parental stress. Family income, socioeconomic status, ASD severity and positive coping are not related to parental stress. Furthermore, parental efficacy and active avoidance coping are partial mediators between child problem behavior and parental stress. The results of study 2 revealed that among the potential predictors of parental quality of life, parental stress is the strongest predictor, followed by family income and positive coping. Lower levels of parental stress, the greater use of positive coping and high-income were associated with higher levels of parental quality of life.

    Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that child behavior problems, parental efficacy, active avoidance and positive coping play important roles for parental stress and quality of life.
    Reference: 王南凱、吳岱穎、鄒國蘇、黃宜靜、郭冠良、吳逸帆、陳建志(2013)。淺談自閉症類群障礙。北市醫學雜誌,10(3),173-181。
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