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Title: | 淨土解脫觀會通儒家家庭倫理—— 中華華藏淨宗學會居士教育之論述結構 Confucian Family Ethics Intersecting with Pure Land Soteriology: The Discursive Structures of the Lay Education of ‘The Corporation Republic of Hwa Dzan’ |
Authors: | 顧頡鋒 Kukowka, Stefan |
Contributors: | 李玉珍 Li Yu-chen 顧頡鋒 Kukowka, Stefan |
Keywords: | 中華華藏淨宗學會 淨空法師 淨土法門 當代臺灣佛教 居士佛教 論述分析 The Corporation Republic of Hwa Dzan Jingkong Pure Land Buddhism Contemporary Taiwanese Buddhism Lay Buddhism Discourse Analysis |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 17:51:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要 本論文著重闡述一個近30年來興起之宗教團體,此團體尚未有學者發表研究專題,即「中華華藏淨宗學會」。迄今為止,近現代臺灣佛教研究主要以佛光山、佛法鼓山及慈濟功德會等自稱人間佛教團體及其創始人物為主軸進行研究,尚未討論在臺灣宗教生態中扮演著至關重要角色與影響力的華藏淨宗學會。此團體由淨空法師(1927)於1989年成立,而自1993年由淨空法師大弟子悟道法師承接宏願,「中華華藏淨宗學會」提倡獨一無二的往生阿彌陀佛淨土思想,其中深刻闡明,僅僅通過念佛是無法獲得往生,而出家眾與在家眾必須於此世專注以儒家即道家經典為主的修行,方能獲得往生。 由淨空法師和悟道所帶領之「中華華藏淨宗學會」強調,改善命運和往生西方極樂的契機,並非透過念佛、禮佛、參會法會等等活動實踐,而必須基於於日常生活中的道德行為,亦即忠孝仁愛和禮義廉恥。這種根深柢固的儒家價值觀被淨空法師和悟道法師所帶領之「中華華藏淨宗學會」植入佛教體系並逐漸「佛教化」,並透過各種渠道傳播「五大科目」,此修行法門著重針對家庭倫理等領域,因此可以得出結論,其目標受眾是在家眾。田野調查表明,這些居士中的大多數是中年和老年婦女,他們是傳播儒家價值觀及相關家庭倫理的主要受眾。 因為德國、英語及中國學術界的先前著作尚未全面討論這一現象,並對淨空法師本人的研究只有幾篇文章中有介紹,而本研究的目的是通過廣泛的實地考察(訪談,參與者觀察,參與等),文獻研究來解釋此團體如何納入儒家和道家經典,如何制定一種儒佛式的淨土修行體系,而如何創造一種獨特無二的論述社群(discourse community)。通過使用福柯(Michel Foucault)的論述(discourse)理論概念可以分析此團內部的權力和知識結構。 The present thesis seeks to shed light on a religious group that has not yet been the focus of comprehensive research and was overshadowed by the founding figures of “Buddhist Empires” such as Buddha Light Mountain, Dharma Drum Mountain and Tzu Chi, but plays a vital role in the religious ecology of Taiwan beneath the afore mentions salient Buddhist groups – ‘The Corporation Republic of Hwa Dzan’ (zhonghua huazang jingzong xuehui 中華華藏淨宗學會). Founded by Ven. Jingkong (1927 - ) in 1989 and run by Ven. Wudao (1951 - ), this Pure Land Group displays distinct characteristics in terms of its advocated path towards rebirth into Amitābha’s Pure Land. The mindful recollection or mere invocation of Amitābha’s name is not enough to realise rebirth, rather, monastics and laypeople have to focus on a this-worldly cultivation based on Confucian and Daoist scriptures. Jingkong and Hwa Dzan emphasise that the improvement of one’s fate – and therefore the chance to be reborn into the Pure Land – is not the result of humble worship or the potential effectiveness of rituals or even the renunciation of all worldly distractions, that is ‘going forth’ (chujia 出家), it is rather based on moral conduct in daily life, through acts of filial piety, loyalty, honesty, and humility – which are de facto Confucian values. These ‘Buddhicised’ Confucian values are propagated through various channels (online media, press, dharma talks etc.) and address specifically the sphere of family ethics. Thus, it can be concluded that its target audience are laypeople who are trained and educated to further spread these values. Fieldwork has shown, that the majority of these lay people are middle age and older women who serve as the main conduit through which Jingkong and Hwa Dzan can exert influence on family ethics. Furthermore, on one hand, Hwa Dzan’s propagation of (their) dharma reflects a strong centripetal inclination towards the centre of authority (Jingkong) and by this creates an exclusive discursive community and certain narratives manifesting a word of mouth communication. On the other hand, Hwa Dzan’s incorporation of certain non-Buddhist scriptures reflects a relative openness towards other traditions which are interpreted from a Buddhist perspective and ultimately ‘buddhicised’ if they support specific aspects of their interpretation of the dharma, if not they are rejected. Thus, this thesis aims at analysing the creation of this exclusive discursive community in light of Hwa Dzan’s lay education. Previous works of German, English and Chinese academia have not yet comprehensively addressed this phenomenon because it mainly focused on prominent Buddhist groups and figures. Even Ven. Jingkong himself – the founder of the yet to be investigated group – was only covered in paragraphs and few articles, even though there is a large number of people inspired by his teachings. Thus, it is the aim of this study to fill the blank spot on the religious tableau of Taiwan through extensive fieldwork (interviews, participant observation, participation etc.), literary research to explain the centripetal tendency on the membership level and the centrifugal inclination towards Confucian and Daoist thought through which an exclusive discourse community is created. This discourse will be analysed by applying Michel Foucault’s theoretical concepts of ‘discourse’ to explain internal power and communication structures. |
Reference: | Bibliography Canonical Scriptures J31nB271 Reading Tripiṭaka for Understanding the Precepts 閱藏知津 T01n0001 Dīgha Nikāya 長阿含經 T01n0016 Sigālovāda Sutta 尸迦羅越六方禮經 T01n0017 Sutra of Siṅgāla善生子經 T03n0152 Sūtra on the Collection of the Six Perfections 六度集經 T03n0174 Śyāmakajātaka-sūtra 薩睒子經 T09n0262 Lotus Sutra妙法蓮華經 T09n0278 Flower Garland Sutra 大方廣佛華嚴經 T10n0279 Flower Garland Sutra 大方廣佛華嚴經 T10n0293 Flower Garland Sutra大方廣佛華嚴經 T11n0310 Tathāgataʼs Sermon on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Limitless Life 大寶積經無量壽如來會 T12n0360 Sutra of Buddha’s Sermon on the Buddha of Limitless Life 佛說無量壽經 T12n0361 The Infinite Life Purity Impartiality Awakenment Sutra 無量清淨平等覺經 T12n0362 The Amitābha Sutra 阿彌陀經 T12n0363 Buddha’s Sermon on the Infinite Life Adornment Sutra 佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴經 T12n0364 Buddha’s Sermon on the Great Amitābha Sutra 佛說大阿彌陀經 T12n0365 The Contemplation Sūtra 佛説觀無量壽經 T14n0475 Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra 維摩詰所說經 T14n0507 Ajātaśatru sūtra 佛說未生冤經 T16n0686 The Sūtra on Repaying the Kindness by Making Offerings 報恩奉盆經 T17n0779 Sutra on the Eight Realisations of Great Beings 佛說八大人覺經 T19n0945 Śūraṅgama Sūtra 楞嚴經 T22n1425 Mahāsaṅghika-vinaya 摩訶僧祇律 T24n1488 Sutra on Upasaka Precepts 優婆塞戒經 T23n1442 Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya 根本說一切有部毘奈耶 T24n1471 On the Ten śrāmaṇera Precepts and Deportment 沙彌十戒法并威儀 T24n1472 Srāmaṇera Deportment 沙彌威儀 T24n1473 The Buddha Speaks on the Sutra of Ten Precepts and Rules 佛說沙彌十戒儀則經 T24n1474 Sutra on the śrāmaṇerī Precepts 沙彌尼戒經 T24n1475 Treaties on śrāmaṇerī Precepts 沙彌尼離戒文 T25n1507 Treatise on Differentiating Virtue and Merit 分別功德論 T25n1509 Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom 大智度論 T33n1708 Annotations to the Scripture for Humane Kings 仁王經疏 T33n1709 Commentary to the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra for Humane Kings Protecting Their Countries 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經疏 T35n1735 Annotations to the Flower Garland Sutra 大方廣佛華嚴經疏 T37n1753 Commentary on the Sutra on Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life觀無量壽佛經疏 T40n1815 Recordings of the Ancient Teachings of the Brahma’s Net Sutra 梵網經古迹記 T44n1851 Compendium of the Great Purport of the Mahayana 大乘義章 T46n1925 First Gate to the Succession of the Dharma-realm 法界次第初門 T47n1958 Collection on [the Land] of Peace and Joy 安樂集 T50n2059 Biographies of Eminent Monks高僧傳 T52n2102 Treaties on the three Destructions [of Buddhism] 三破論 in 弘明集 T52n2115 Tanjin wenji 鐔津文集 T53n2122 A Grove of Pearls in the Garden of the Dharma 法苑珠林 T55n2154 Record of Śākyamuniʼs Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan Period 開元釋教錄 T85n2887 The Sūtra on the Profound Kindness of Parents 父母恩重經 X60n1118 Extended Annotations to the Outline of Precepts and Etiquette of śrāmaṇeras 沙彌律儀要略增註 X60n1120 Combined Reference of the Precepts and Etiquette of śrāmaṇera 沙彌律儀毗尼日用合參 Primary Sources Academy of Sinology. “Discover Harmony of the Three Schools of Teachings.” Accessed May 11, 2020. https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/sinology/about/. 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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 106156011 |
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