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    题名: 數位人文系統中之檔案加值應用研究
    A Study of the Archives Value-Added Application of Digital Humanity Systems
    作者: 黃韋菱
    Huang, Wei-Ling
    贡献者: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li-Kuei
    Huang, Wei-Ling
    关键词: 數位人文
    Digital Huamanities
    The Value-Added Archives
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-08-03 17:51:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究旨在探討國內數位人文機構檔案內容加值應用之發展策略,期以藉由與國外數位人文機構的檔案加值方式與數位人文工具之比較,汲取各家之優劣,以擴展國內數位人文機構使用者族群。
    根據研究結果分析得到以下結論:(一)數位人文檔案加值會受到各機構宗旨、研究方向、機構內成員學術背景與資料特性影響,其中最重要 的為「內容」的取得;(二)國外檔案加值呈現以問題導向為主;國內則是傾向使用者導向;(三)國外數位人文工具的利用多為社群參與和多媒體的結合;國內則是以文本分析工具為主;(四)透過群眾協作增加使用 者研究互動性,吸引使用者利用;(五)提高 OCR 技術辨識率,減少全文數位化成本;(六)整合式數位平台的發展。
    The purpose of this study is to investigate and gain insights into the archives to the digital humanity systems with value-added applications, proposing a universal scheme to expanding the functionalities of these systems with an aim of attracting more users.In order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, I performed a literature analysis to explore and summarize the differences between the strategies for the value-added application of archives employed by the digital humanities institutions in Taiwan and in the US. Furthermore, in-depth interviews were carried out to understand the development of the value-added applications for the archives in five Taiwanese institutions.
    According to the analysis of the research results, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) Acquisition of contents can exert the most significant influences on the archives with value-added applications.Also,purposes, research directions, academic backgrounds, data characteristics, and the researchers responsible for the system in the organizations can be of importance in this regard; (2) Value-added presentation of institutions in the US is mainly problem-oriented, in contrast, user-oriented method is more popular in Taiwan; (3) Use of American digital humanities tools engage community participations and multimedia, nonetheless, textual analysis tools are employed in Taiwan; (4) Crowdsourcing can stimulate the interactions between users, which can be advantageous to attracting more users; (5) Improvements in the rate of OCR technology recognition can lead to a reduced full-text digitization cost; (6) Integrated digital platforms are crucial for the overall development.
    All in all, the following suggestions to the value-added application of archives based on the research results can be provided: (1) Unify the data format and increase content exchange; (2) Promote digital humanities tools and systems; (3) Extend the digital humanities platforms to educational use.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155021
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000971
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