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    Title: 智慧型學術文章推播服務代理人對促進學術傳播之影響研究
    The Effects of an Intelligence Academic Article Push-Service Agent on Scholarly Communication
    Authors: 簡丞擔
    Chien, Cheng-Tan
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Keywords: 學術傳播
    Scholarly communication
    Academic community
    Automatic push system,
    Recommend accuracy
    Online advertising effectiveness
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:50:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學術傳播對於學術成果的推廣一直以來都扮演著重要角色,將學術論文、資料分享給更多從事相關研究的學者或是研究人員,有助於讓他們獲得更多的資訊偶遇(Information Encountering)機會。其中,社群網路是一個有效的資訊散播媒介,透過社群網站進行學術傳播可以將具有相同研究興趣的人聚合起來,並組建成學術社群,並在社群內互相傳遞學術相關資訊、針對特定議題進行討論,以及互相交流研究結果。由於目前在中文環境的學術社群較少,因此本研究希望能透過創建學術社群來拉近中文環境中具有相同學術研究領域之學者與研究人員,並透過本研究設計之「智慧型學術文章推播服務代理人(Itelligence Academic Article Push-Service Agent, IAAPSA)」來促進學術論文的傳播,透過擷取社群中的留言資料,並與學術論文資料庫之論文進行比對,將最相關的論文推播至討論社群中,希望藉此增加學術論文與研究人員之資訊偶遇機會,進而提升學術傳播效益。
    最後基於本研究之研究結果,提出IAAPSA發布貼文策略之改善建議,以及未來可以繼續進一步探索的研究方向。整體而言,本研究以內容為基礎之推薦(Content-based Recommendation)方法所發展之IAAPSA,可提升學術社群之經營成效,對於促進學術論文之傳播具有創新與貢獻。
    Scholarly communication has played a primary role in the promotion of academic outcome, by sharing academic theses and data with more scholars or researchers for more information encountering opportunities. Social network is an effective information dissemination medium. With scholarly communication through social network sites, people with same research interests are gathered and construct the academic community to mutually deliver academic information, discuss specific issues, and exchange research results. There are comparatively few academic communities with Chinese environment. This study therefore expects to bring scholars and researchers with the same academic research fields closer in the Chinese environment through the establishment of academic community. Moreover, the “Intelligent Academic Article Push-Service Agent (IAAPSA)” designed in this study is used for enhancing the communication of academic theses. By capturing messages in the social community and comparing with theses in academic thesis database, the most relevant theses are pushed to the social network. It is expected to enhance the information encountering opportunity of academic theses and researchers to further promote scholarly communication benefit.
    With one-shot pre-experimental design, the academic community, “Journal of InfoLib & Archives”, is established on Facebook and library, information and archival studies related scholars and researchers are invited to join in the community as the research objects. Through IAAPSA, messages left in the community are compared with the thesis database in “NCCU Academic Hub” and pushed to the community. The downloads of the pushed theses are recorded for calculating whether the downloads significantly increase with recommendations. What is more, the questionnaire is used for understanding whether the pushed theses meet the needs of the community and the online advertising effectiveness of such posts to the community. It aims to evaluate the academic article recommend accuracy of with IAAPSA and the online advertising effectiveness of recommended posts. The effect of thesis recommendation on the enhancement of scholarly communication is comprehensively discussed.
    The research findings show that the downloads of academic theses pushed to the academic community through the recommendation of IAAPSA are remarkably enhanced and the recommend accuracy is favorable. Besides, the online advertising effectiveness of posts also present good benefits, revealing that IAAPSA could push theses meeting the community discussion to the academic community, and the community members are willing to click and download full-text data for reading. From the qualitative interview data, the community members affirm that the theses pushed by IAAPSA meet their needs and using Facebook as the academic community exchange and community platform is suitable.
    Based on the research result, improvement for posts with IAAPSA and future research direction are suggested. Overall speaking, IAAPSA developed with Content-based Recommendation in this study could promote the management effect of academic community and present innovation and contribution to enhance the communication of academic theses.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001168
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