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Title: | 自動化輔助主題分析臺灣明代研究之學位論文著作特性 The Characteristics of Theses and Dissertations in Ming Studies in Taiwan by Automatic Clustering Analysis |
Authors: | 郭知晴 Kuo, Jhih-Ching |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 郭知晴 Kuo, Jhih-Ching |
Keywords: | 自動歸類 主題分析 共現字 明代 Cluster Analysis Subject Analysis Co-word Ming Dynasty |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 17:50:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國內外對明代的研究在各方面,都有廣泛的探討,隨著時代的不同有必要仔細檢視國內的明代研究趨勢。想要掌握研究主題分佈及趨勢,主題分析是必要的。而近年將科技結合人文社會的跨領域合作增加,也提升人文學的研究深度,因此本研究期望以文字探勘技術工具輔助主題分析,歸納出臺灣近代明代研究之主題及縱觀近二十年的研究趨勢,以提供研究人員掌握研究方向做為參考。 本研究旨在探討自動化主題分析於明代研究領域之應用,根據《明代研究》刊載之各年度臺灣地區明代研究學位論文目錄,搜集88學年至107學年(西元1999.09~2019.06)近二十年間博碩士論文合計1,606篇。利用學術研究內容分析工具CATAR針對文章篇名及摘要進行共現字分析,以此得出基於共現字之明代研究主題分析架構,再邀請3位明代領域學者以訪談的方式進行評估,後本研究透過書目計量探討臺灣明代研究學位論文之特性、主題分佈、機構與指導教授生產力,了解明代研究學術發展脈絡供人文學研究者參考。 本研究最後得出11類研究主題,類別基本上融合了過往的主題架構。並透過訪談得知人文學者是有意願參與工具設計的,期望在設計階段就投入人文學者想法以提高歸類的準確度,以減少後續調整歸類結果的幅度。 The Ming studies has been extensively discussed all over the world. As the times change, it is necessary to examine the domestic research trends of the Ming studies. Through subject analysis to grasp the distribution and trend of research topics. In recent years, the increase in cross-disciplinary cooperation between technology and humanities and social sciences has also enhanced the research depth of humanities Therefore, this study uses text mining to analyze the subject, and summarizes the subjects of the modern Ming studies in Taiwan and observes research trends in the past two decades to provide researchers with a grasp of the research direction as a reference. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of automated clustering analysis in the Ming studies. According to the catalog of Ming studies theses and dissertations in Journal of Ming Studies, collected 1,606 theses and dissertations from 1999.09 to 2019.06. This study uses the tool CATAR to analyze the research subject with co-occurrence, thus it can generalize the frames of study subjects if Ming studies field. Then invited 3 scholars in the Ming studies to conduct an evaluation. Finally, it discusses the characteristics, subject distribution, organization and productivity of professors in the theses and dissertations of Ming studies in Taiwan to provide references for humanities researchers. In the end, the main results of this study are the 11 clustering of Ming studies, which integrated the past subject architecture. And through interviews we can know that humanities scholars are willing to participate in tool design, and they expect to add their ideas at the tool design stage to improve the accuracy of the classification and reduce the subsequent adjustment of the classification results. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 107155009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107155009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000887 |
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