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    Title: 大眾捷運系統導入行動支付之研究 -以桃園捷運為例
    Authors: 陳志豪
    Chen, Jyh-Hau
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Chen, Jyh-Hau
    Keywords: 行動支付
    Mobile Payment
    Electronic Wallet
    Credit Card
    Metro System
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:43:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在政府大力推動行動支付政策下,從便利超商、觀光旅遊、日常繳費、校園生活等領域全面性導入,其中也包含交通運輸場域,但台灣過去幾年電子票證發展相當健全,特別是大眾捷運系統,票證使用率幾乎高達七至九成,加上票證優惠票價優勢,此刻積極導入行動支付是否有其迫切需求性?
    Mobile payment penetration in Taiwan is surging under promotion by the government. Today, mobile payment is adopted in a variety of channels, including convenience stores, tourist attractions and schools.Efforts have also been made to facilitate mobile payment in transportation networks, especially in public transportation systems. However, as electronic ticketing is well developed in Taiwan with high usage rate of 70% to 90% on public transportation, it remains to be seen whether the adoption of mobile payment in public transportation is urgently needed.
    Taiwan has multiple payment methods, including mobile payment, multiple payment, electronic payment, and third-party payment. Compared with these payment schemes, electronic ticketing, which was first developed for public transportation, has different liquidation model and cost structure. Current studies and information on acquiring mechanism of e-ticketing system are limited, especially in public transportation.
    This thesis explored the challenges of mobile-payment adoption in public transportation services in Taiwan. With the case study of Taoyuan Metro in the form of case analysis and qualitative interviews, the paper compared the differences between electronic ticket and credit card transaction, and analyzed the use rate and establishment process of the two payment systems. Research and analysis of the issue based on the aspects from the metro company, system provider and banks are also conducted to better understand the advantages and drawbacks of the two systems.
    The result of the study suggests that due to national policies, transaction structure and user habits, mobile payment model in Taiwan is basically built on credit card transactions, and therefore not suitable for public transportation unless supported by new technologies. It is suggested that a payment platform developed for public transport should be considered as a solution in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932062
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001112
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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