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    Title: 企業組織運作開放原始碼社群的服務策略之探討 - 以MOZILLA 公司為例
    A Study Of The Service Strategy on How The Enterprise Organization Runs Open Source Community – Taking Mozilla Corporation as An Example
    Authors: 張惠凱
    Chang, Hui-Kai
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Lo, Ming-Shiow
    Chang, Hui-Kai
    Keywords: 服務策略
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:41:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近10多年來,台灣在硬體產業轉型成軟體或軟體服務產業上,面臨了許多困難,而軟體人才更是重中之重。而在現今軟體產業生態圈中,開放原始碼專案與開放原始碼社群佔據了相當重要的角色,在這些專案與社群中,培育以及吸引許多世界級頂尖軟體人才。因此,本研究從瀏覽器產業中,來分析企業如何運作開放原始碼社群,並將企業服務策略與開放原始碼社群意識結合,以讓社群可以創造出結合企業商業利益的產品。
    本研究首先從麥可·波特(Michael Porter)提出之「五力分析」理論分析瀏覽器產業,進而解析企業的競爭優勢與策略。接著定義出運作開放原始碼社群的企業,其主要服務對象為社群成員。接著採用「服務金三角」理論剖析企業如何在建構服務策略、系統、與人員來服務開放原始碼社群成員,使其願意持續參加開放原始碼社群活動,開發符合企業競爭策略且具有競爭力的產品。最後提供下列建議給欲運作開放原始碼社群的企業。
    Over the past decade, enterprises in Taiwan have tried hard to transform to software and service industry from hardware industry. However, enterprises in Taiwan are still dealing with many challenges and difficulties, especially recruitment of top software professionals. Recently, in the software ecosystem, open source projects and communities are playing very important roles to cultivate and attract world-class software talents. This study will analyze a selected enterprise Mozilla in browser industry to obtain in-depth knowledge of operation and management of an open source community and combination of the enterprises service strategy and the concept of open source community so that the open source community contributes to develop profitable products.
    First of all, the browser industry is analyzed with “Porter`s Five Forces” model to discover the competitive advantage and strategy of enterprises in this industry. Next, this study emphasizes that target group of enterprises services is the members of the open source community. Then, this study adopts “Service Triangle” model to analyze the service strategies, systems, and employees of an enterprise to serve the members of the open source community by keeping the members of the open source community involved and creating profitable products align with the enterprise ’s competitive advantage and strategy. Finally, this study makes the following suggestions to enterprises inclining to operate the open source community.
    1.The enterprise’s mission and competitive advantage should be aligned with the nature and concept of the open source community.
    2.The open source project should be innovative, and procedure of the decision making should be open to all members of community.
    3.The enterprise must support and help the community’s activities of promoting new technologies of the open source project.
    4.The enterprise must support and help the community to provide their members with sufficient system resources to launch the community activities.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932105
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000829
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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