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    Title: 「遊戲改編之電影」之消費者觀影後行為
    Consumers` Post-viewing Behavior of “Films Based on Video Games”
    Authors: 徐孟凡
    Hsu, Meng-Fan
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Hsu, Meng-Fan
    Keywords: 遊戲改編之電影
    The films based on video games
    Brand extension
    Post-viewing behavior
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:23:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電影是人們日常生活中的娛樂來源之一,也是人們實現夢想與想像的媒介。近年來,台灣的電影片商以小成本、低風險為製片原則的情況,加上好萊塢電影的佔據,導致電影產業在惡性循環下一直萎靡不振。
    Films are one of the entertainments in our daily lives, and also a medium for people to fulfill their dreams and imaginations. In recent years, film producers in Taiwan make films on the principle of low costs and low risks and the Hollywood blockbuster films occupy the list which cause the film industry to be sluggish under a vicious circle.
    “Detention” is a film of Taiwan released in 2019 and based on the video game of same name. It is worth noting that the Hollywood blockbuster films are mostly adapted from other works nowadays. Based on the trend of adaptation, the thesis tries to discuss whether the film market in Taiwan can follow the trend of adaptation and develop. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the consumer’s acceptance of films based on video games. The induced conclusions of the thesis are summarized as follow:
    1.The higher the consumers` involvement in the films, the more attention will be paid to the attributes of the films, which will positively affect the satisfaction of the films based on video games.
    2.Consumers consider that the higher the degree of product category fit between the video game of the film and the film based on the video game, the higher the satisfaction with the film based on the video game.
    3.The higher the consumers` satisfaction with the film based on the video game, the more willing to recommend and watch it repeatedly.
    4.Generally speaking, consumers` satisfaction with the films based on the video games and their willingness to recommend and watch them repeatedly are high, that is, consumers` acceptance of the films based on video games is high.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107351024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000738
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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