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    Title: 自我一致性對社群媒體影響者代言影響之研究:以廣告揭露、廣告確認與廣告懷疑作為干擾變數
    The Moderated Effect of Ad Disclosure, Ad Recognition or Ad Skepticism on the Impact of Self-image Congruence Between Social Media Influencers and Consumers on the Effectiveness of Endorsement
    Authors: 駱郁雯
    Lo, Yu-Wen
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Jean ,Ruey-Jer
    Lo, Yu-Wen
    Keywords: 自我概念一致性理論
    Self-image congruence
    Social media influencers
    Consumer engagement
    Ad disclosure
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 17:23:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社群媒體影響者(Social Media Influencers)指的是透過創造文字、圖像和影片作品,並經由社群媒體傳播吸引眾多追隨者的人。隨著大眾生活與社群媒體密不可分後,社群媒體影響者的影響力在全世界受到了矚目。企業也開始傾向啟用社群媒體影響者進行品牌代言,Forbes雜誌更是認為社群媒體影響者已經取代傳統名人,被譽為新式代言人(New Celebrity)。
    本研究藉由文獻回顧歸納自我概念一致性理論(Self-congruity Theory)如何應用於名人或社群媒體影響者代言效果的研究,並探討社群媒體影響者代言與傳統名人代言的不同之處,其一是消費者接觸到社群媒體影響者的廣告代言通常必須經過社群媒體這個媒介。其二是社群媒體影響者進行代言多是採取「贊助文章」(Sponsored Posts)形式。基於這兩點,本研究將「消費者社群參與」作為中介變數,「廣告揭露、廣告確認與廣告懷疑」作為干擾變數,檢驗自我概念一致性理論如何影響社群媒體影響者代言效果,並得到以下三點結論:
    Influencers in social media are people who create text, images and film works and attract many followers through social media. As the mass media and everyday life have become so closely interwoven that they are increasingly inseparable, the influence of social media influencers has attracted worldwide attention. Companies are developing partnerships between brands and influencers as marketing strategies, also called “Influencer marketing”. Forbes magazine believes that social media influencers have replaced traditional celebrities as new celebrity.
    This study summarizes how the self-concept consistency theory is applied to the effect of celebrity/social media influencer endorsement, and explores the differences between social media influencer endorsement and traditional celebrity endorsement. The first is that consumers’ exposure to social media influencers’ advertising endorsements usually must go through social media. The second is that social media influencers make endorsements mostly in the form of "sponsored posts" rather than the usual TV or print ads. Based on these two points, this study uses “consumer engagement” as an intervening variable, and “ad disclosure, ad recognition or ad skepticism” as moderating variables to test how the self-concept consistency theory affects the endorsement effect of social media influencers, and obtains the following conclusions:
    1.Consumers tend to participate in influencer communities that are similar to their ideals, that is, social media influencer-consumer consistency can increase consumer participation in the community, and thus improve the effect of influencer endorsement, including consumers` purchase intention, word of mouth intention and willingness etc.
    2.Due to the excessive proliferation of advertorial, consumers no matter whether they expose advertisements or not, consumers still regard sponsored posts as commercial advertisements, so the moderating effect of advertisement disclosure methods does not exist.
    3.But consumers` own attitudes towards advertising: ad recognition and ad skepticism still have a disturbing effect between consumer participation and the mediating effect of some advertising endorsements.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107351014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001072
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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