题名: | 英雄崇拜:政治粉之評估指標建構 The Construction of Meauremnt Indicators for the Political Fans: Heroworship in Taiwan |
作者: | 劉家耀 Liu, Chia-Yao |
贡献者: | 鄭自隆 劉家耀 Liu, Chia-Yao |
关键词: | 政治傳播 政治迷 修正式德菲法 粉絲研究 迷文化 political communication political fans modified Delphi method fandom fan culture |
日期: | 2020 |
上传时间: | 2020-07-01 14:06:14 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣自2014年柯文哲政治粉興起、2018年韓國瑜支持者凝聚,乃至2020年蔡英文的辣台派被催化成功,「政治粉」已成為選戰重要影響因素之一,本研究即透過修正式德菲法,試圖建構台灣當代政治迷之評估指標,以釐清其發展脈絡。 初步指標係根據「崇拜與新宗教性」、「區辨與秀異」、「自我意識」、「忠誠」、「意識形態之投射」、「參與」、「投資與生產」、「辯論」等文獻而建構,計歸納37項指標,研究結果發現,台灣政治迷具有如下之特質— 珍視:政治粉呵護所迷對象; 黏著:政治粉對所迷對象之情感依附; 信仰:政治粉具類宗教性行為; 忠誠:政治粉願不顧他人意見左右,效忠政治家; 奉獻:政治粉願付出資本,聲援政治家; 歸屬:政治粉認同所屬團體; 串聯:政治粉號召其他粉; 追隨:政治粉情感外在化程度。 The goal of this study is constructing the evaluation indicators of Taiwan contemporary political fans. First, it analyzes three relative topics, including the raising of Ko Wen-Je`s fans since 2014, the union of Han Kuo-Yu supporter in 2018 and the successful development of "Spicytaiwan", which means stand by Tsai Ing-wen in 2020. Second, this study will summarize some features of these new political groups in order to develop a set of credible indicators. The indicators of this study will be a credible resource for politicians and their team who want to do campaign in the future. The indicators are constructed according to the literature on “worship and neo-religiosity”,“discrimination and distinction”, “self-awareness”, “loyalty”, “Ideologies of political parties”, “participation”, “investment and productive”and “contestation”. Using the modified Delphi method to establish a new characteristic of political fans in Taiwan. It can be divided into eight different features, including: 1.valuing-political fans cherish the politician they support. 2.stickiness-political fans form their emotional stickiness to the politician they support. 3.belief-political fans have religious behavior. 4.loyalty-political fans can support the politician, no matter what others criticize. 5.devotion-political fans are willing to support the politician such as donating money. 6.belonging-political fans identify themselves with the political group they belong to. 7.association-political fans call on other fans. 8.following-political fans externalize their emotions. |
參考文獻: | 一.中文部分
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 106464018 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464018 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000620 |
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