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    Title: 臺北市租屋類型與租金之分析 ―雅房、分租套房、獨立套房及整層住家之差異比較
    Analysis of Types of Rental Housing and Rents in Taipei :The Difference Between “Room to share”, “Subdivided Studio”, “Studio”, and “Apartment”.
    Authors: 吳彥葶
    Wu, Yen-Ting
    Contributors: 張金鶚
    Chang, Chin-Oh
    Wu, Yen-Ting
    Keywords: 租屋品質
    Rental quality
    Hedonic price theory
    Spatial lag regression model
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:54:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣租屋市場存在居住品質與租金不對稱的問題。本文利用591租屋網租金成交資料,以特徵價格理論及空間迴歸模型分析市場分割房間、獨立套房、整層住家居住品質與租金關係,並進一步比較各租屋類型隱私價值差異。
    Taiwan`s rental market has problems with asymmetric living quality and rent. The paper uses the data obtained from 591, applying Hedonic price theory and the spatial regression model to analyze the relationship between the residential quality and rent among three different types, “subdivided room”, “studio”, and “apartment”. The paper then compares the differences in the privacy value of each rental type.
    The empirical results show that the unit price per floor of the “subdivided room” and “studio”, both representing lower living quality is 7.5% and 2.2% higher than the “apartment” respectively. It implies that the rental market shows a phenomenon: the lower the quality of living, the higher the unit price of rent. Furthermore, the housing subdivision implies the residential privacy segmentation. The empirical also finds that the difference between the amount of monthly rent of “room to share” and “subdivided studio”, and the amount of monthly rent of “subdivided studio”, and “studio” are 30.9% and 13.8% respectively due to the independent bathroom, doorplate, mailbox, entrance and exit. It is suggested that the government should strengthen the inspection of illegal use and formulate housing separation standards to improve the rental market. Moreover, by using the rent model to estimate the rent level, tax evasion can be avoided leading to a sound rental market.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1062570231
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000465
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Land Economics] Theses

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