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    Title: IPO中的基石投資人制度在台灣之適用
    Research on the Application of Cornerstone Investor in IPO in Taiwan
    Authors: 鄭博晉
    Cheng, Po-Chin
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen-Jie
    Cheng, Po-Chin
    Keywords: 基石投資人
    Cornerstone Investor
    lock-up period
    orizontal Holdings
    Capital Popularization
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:50:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣資本市場為了使資本市場國際化、提高配售效率而引入詢價圈購制度;又為了減少詢價圈購所導致的配售不公平而改採原則上優先採用競價拍賣;近年來全球資本市場、交易所相互競爭吸引優質企業掛牌上市,台灣為了吸引獨角獸在台灣證券交易所上市,在優先採用競價拍賣制度中,開了多元上市櫃的途徑;後又為了增加對獨角獸的吸引力,引進了基石投資人制度,希望給獨角獸更多股權安排彈性空間、更低的募資成本。
    In order to internationalize the capital market and improve the efficiency of the placement, the Taiwan capital market has introduced Book Building into the market;In order to reduce the unfair placing caused by the Book Building, since 2016 IPO case in Taiwan principally preferential use Auction in placement. In recent years, global capital markets and exchanges have competed to attract high-quality companies to list. In order to attract Unicorns to be listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, Taiwan has opened up multiple listing cabinets under principally preferential use Auction in placement policy. Later, in order to increase the attractiveness to Unicorns, the cornerstone investor system was introduced, hoping to give the Unicorn more flexibility in equity arrangements and lower funding costs.
    The purpose of government governance is not only to promote financial development, but also social equity is undoubtedly the goal of modern government to efforts to. How to find a balance between financial resilience and supervision, and even capital popularization, often make people distressing. This article attempts to make suggestions that help the cornerstone investor system become optimized to make Taiwan`s financial market and Taiwan`s society better.
    First of all, the most commonly discussed issue ois lock-up period for the cornerstone investor . Although cornerstone investors subscribe for a large number of IPO shares, under Taiwan ’s system, at most they are still not allowed to reach 10% of the issued shares at the time of listing. They are not major shareholders, and they cannot control the company ’s important information on a par with insiders. Therefore, it seems unnecessary to use the lock-up period to restrict the transfer of shares to maintain market stable.
    the author believes that instead of locking the cornerstone investor`s subscription and restricting the cornerstone investor`s property rights and affecting the natural formation of the issuing company`s value (insufficient liquidity, dangling effect make selling pressure), the one-year lock-up period can be changed to one year Regardless of the percentage of the total shareholding of a single cornerstone investor in the company`s total shares issued at the time of listing, the method of transfer of shares held by cornerstone investors must be subject to certain restrictions (for example: prior to the transfer of shares held by an insider under the Securities Exchange Act Declaration demand) and the changes in shareholding can also refer to the provisions of the Securities Exchange Act on the declaration of insider equity. In this way, the stock market can maintain liquidity and form the true value of the company. More importantly, while achieving the purpose of maintaining market stable, the public investor can judge the company ’s value and future changes through shareholding transfer announcements and equity declarations. Compared with locking the cornerstone investor`s subscription in a locker during the lock-up period, it is more beneficial to the cornerstone investor`s property rights, the formation of real prices and the protection of retail investors.
    Second, regarding the social equity issue of capital popularization, the author believes that after the introduction of cornerstone investors, it already has a very powerful recommended influence. Compared with the institutional investors who are participate in bookbuilding, cornerstone investors usually subscribe more. Under the placement / issuance of placements, the most important placement efficiency and the promotion of IPO success opportunities can be replaced by cornerstone investors. In this case, may consider increasing the amount of clawback to balance the subscription allocation between institutional investors (including cornerstone investors) and retail investors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651043
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000463
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