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    Title: 企業生命週期、產品市場力量與租稅規避
    Firm’s Life Cycle, Product Market Power, and Tax Avoidance
    Authors: 許鈴敏
    Hsu, Ling-Min
    Contributors: 何怡澄
    Hsu, Ling-Min
    Keywords: 租稅規避
    Tax avoidance
    Firm’s life cycle
    Product market power
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:35:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業生命週期為所有企業在經營時皆會面臨之議題,不同企業生命週期階段會有不同財務及市場狀況,皆是企業在做營運決策時須考量的因素之一。本研究欲探討企業在不同生命週期中,是否會有不同程度之租稅規避。本研究生命週期分為五階段,分別為初創期(Introduction)、成長期(Growth)、成熟期(Mature)、停滯期(Shake-Out)及衰退期(Decline),並且依Dickinson (2011)發展出的分類方法將每個企業年度分類為不同生命週期階段,與租稅規避進行迴歸分析,瞭解企業生命週期各階段對企業進行租稅規避之影響為何。另外,亦加入產品市場加以分析,測試企業在不同企業生命週期下,產品市場對各階段租稅規避是否有增額影響。
    Firm’s life cycle is an issue that all firms will face when operating. Different firm’s life cycle stages have different financial and market conditions. These are factors that companies must consider when making an operational decision. This study examines whether firms will have a varying degree of tax avoidance in different life cycle stages. Firm’s life cycles divided into five phases base on Dickinson(2011) model: Introduction, Growth, Mature, Shake-Out, and Decline. Then examine the impact of each stage of the firm’s life cycle on tax avoidance. Also, this study also adds an analysis of product market power to test whether the product market power has an impact on tax avoidance of each firm’s life cycle.
    This study’s sample use Taiwan’s listed companies over 2000-2018 period. The result shows that tax avoidance will indeed vary with the stage of firm’s life cycle. Tax avoidance will significantly negatively be associated with the introduction, growth, and mature stages and significantly positively associated with the decline stage. Product market power is positively with tax avoidance. Product market power is significantly positively associated with tax avoidance in introduction and decline stages and has no impact on growth and mature stages.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107353110
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000551
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