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    Title: 台灣投資人對於機器人理財行為意圖之研究
    A study on the investors invention of using Robo-advisor in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳奕君
    Chen, Yi-Chun
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Chiou, Jyh-Shen
    Chen, Yi-Chun
    Keywords: 機器人理財
    Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)
    Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
    Perceived risk
    Personal Innovativeness in the Domain of Information Technology (PIIT)
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-07-01 13:32:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 機器人理財是一個具有前景的市場,也是當前國際金融界的潮流和趨勢。目前台灣的機器人理財卻仍處於發展前期,但卻是具有發展潛力,因現有投資市場有一定程度的規模,投資市場也存在尚有未滿足的投資缺口。因此機器人理財的服務提供者更需要了解目標客群對於新科技的採用想法以及存在的阻礙因素,藉由了解目標客群的想法,便可以洞悉投資人在使用機器人理財的使用意圖和態度。
    Robo-Advisor has changed the model of traditional asset management industry. It’s a potentially prosperous market and also a current trend in the global international finance field. In Taiwan market, Robo-Advisor is still at the early development stage, its asset under management is relatively small and grows slowly. However, Taiwan Robo-Advisor market is a potential market, since Taiwan investment market already has a certain degree of market scope and grow every year. Besides, there still unfulfilled needs exit in Taiwan investment market. Therefore, the provider of Robo-Advisor should understand more about the intention and attitude of target audience to using Robo-Advisor. By figuring out their thought, we may have chance to know their insight and the obsTCAles.
    This study uses the constructs citing transaction cost analysis (TCA), the technology acceptance model (TAM), trust and perceived risk to develop a framework of the antecedents to using Robo-Advisor. This model incorporates the impact of the relationship between customer, wealth manager and bank. Furthermore we also add Personal Innovativeness in the Domain of Information Technology(PIIT) in order to find their difference in using Robo-Advisor. This study uses linear regression and the test of mediation effect to analyze the impact of intention to using Robo-Advisor.
    The results show that the major variables in TAM, including perceived usefulness and perceived ease, have a significant and positive impact on customers’ attitude and intention to using Robo-Advisor. Besides, customers’ attitude towards using RoboAdvisor also has a significant and positive impact on the intention to replace previous investment method with Robo-Advisor. The customers’ specific assets already invested in the wealth manager have a significant and positive impact the specific assets which invested in the bank and would impact on customers’ intention to using Robo-Advisor. While The customers’ specific assets invested in the wealth manager has a significant and negative impact on the intention to replace previous investment method with RoboAdvisor. Moreover perceived risk has a significant and negative impact on customers’ attitude and intention to using Robo-Advisor.
    In addition, the study provides marketing strategy applications and recommendations for the bank in order to assist them in adjusting their strategies to achieve the purpose of increasing the market size of Robo-Advisor in the future.
    Reference: 中文文獻:
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107351022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000550
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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