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Title: | 企業升級與轉型之策略與管理-以動態能力觀之 Strategies and Management of Upgrading and Transforming Businesses, From the Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities |
Authors: | 王金來 Wang, Chin-Lai |
Contributors: | 于卓民 黃國峯 Yu, Chwo-Ming Huang, Kuo-Feng 王金來 Wang, Chin-Lai |
Keywords: | 企業升級與轉型 併購式成長策略 內生式成長策略 聯盟式成長策略 組織與管理流程 動態能力 高階動態能力 創業家能力 Strategies and Management of Upgrading and Transforming Businesses Strategy of Merger and Acquisition Growth Strategy of Generic and Organic Growth Strategy of Alliance and Networking Growth Organizational and Managerial Processes Dynamic Capabilities Higher-order Dynamic Capabilities Entrepreneurial Capabilities |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-07-01 13:30:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 升級與轉型是企業追求績效與競爭優勢的發展過程,本研究由企業實務方法與作法及產業驅動與政府推動方向,說明企業升級與轉型之策略與管理-以動態能力觀之,此一主題的研究背景與個案現象,再以「台灣晶圓產業的成長之路:中美矽晶併購GlobiTech」個案例示,反映研究之議題,進而確立研究問題與目的。研究方法係透過脈絡搜尋符合升級與轉型情境之台灣企業,包括採用併購式成長策略之中美矽晶與如興公司,選擇內生式成長策略之敦吉科技與旺宏電子,及採用聯盟式成長策略之晶華酒店與佳世達科技等六家上市櫃公司,進行質性個案研究分析。
本研究除探討升級與轉型及動態能力間之關聯性外,並就個案研究內容,先提出研究發現進行討論,根據研究發現作成結論,以探索企業升級與轉型之策略選擇、管理流程與動態能力對財務績效的影響,進而建構企業升級與轉型之策略與管理理論架構。另外,根據個案訪談內容與發現,整理出六家個案公司董事長所展現之台灣企業家精神與創業家特質能力項目,紮根後綜合歸納出願景目標、策略管理、創新技術、人才資金、營運模式、利基市場、數位資訊及績效指標等八大企業層級營運構面。企業最高管理階層於企業層級之營運構面建構強大的偵測變化、捕捉商機及重組與轉型等高階動態能力,就是「創業家能力」。經比擬人體機能,而建構企業升級與轉型之創業家能力管理模式及企業升級與轉型之策略與管理整合架構。動態能力強大的企業通常是擁有高度創業家能力的企業,其所達成之升級與轉型財務績效較佳。創業家能力管理模式,可作為企業董事會、董事長或執行長建立傳承與接班計畫的重要參考內容。 Upgrading and transforming businesses are the growing processes for pursuit of excellent performance and competitive advantage. This DBA Dissertation first started with the driving forces directed by common practice and industrial policies in Taiwan, to address the research background and phenomenon of the subject, “Strategies and Management of Upgrading and Transforming Businesses, from the Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities.” The case study on “The Growth of Taiwan Wafer Industry: Acquisition of GlobiTech by Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.”, was first used to depict the topic and then develop the relevant research questions and purposes. Following the context as guidance, six cases were selected in Taiwan for further research by qualitative method, which include Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. and Roo Hsing Co., Ltd., driven by the strategy of merger and acquisition growth; Audix Corporation and Macronix International Co., Ltd., driven by the strategy of generic and organic growth; Silk Hotel Group and Qisda Corporation, two cases driven by the strategy of alliance and networking growth.
Upgrading is meant to be the improvement in technology or enhancement in value. Transforming is meant to be the transformation and change in business model or organization structure. In Taiwan, the terms of Upgrading and Transforming are commonly used in parallel to highlight its linkage and importance. This research constructed an integrated performance model for the strategy of merger and acquisition growth, and among managerial process, dynamic capabilities and financial performance; then for the strategy of generic and organic growth, and for the strategy of alliance and networking growth, respectively. Based on the research finding, the selection of growth strategy for upgrading and transforming businesses in Taiwan, has demonstrated its various change and multiple combination in nature. For instance, Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. advanced its investment alliance before merger and acquisition in order to combine the alliance based dynamic capabilities with its acquisition based dynamic capabilities. Audix Corporation and Macronix International Co., Ltd. chose the strategy of generic and organic growth, and built long-term relationship with its customers and suppliers by strategic alliance, in order to enhance its stronger innovation based dynamic capabilities and alliance based dynamic capabilities. Silk Hotel Group applied the strategy combination of alliance-acquisition-alliance, and Qisda Corporation adopted the strategy combination of alliance-first and acquisition-second, in order to closely combine the alliance based dynamic capabilities and acquisition based dynamic capabilities. The company which has experienced strategy change or applied strategy combination, constructs its multiple combination of dynamic capabilities in the corresponding managerial process, would have positive financial impact resulted from the upgrading and uransforming businesses.
As stated in the previous paragraph, an integrated performance management model composed of growth strategy, managerial process, dynamic capabilities and financial performance was constructed as research structure for the strategy of merger and acquisition growth, the strategy of generic and organic growth, and the strategy of alliance and networking growth, respectively, in order to further study the correlation between upgrading and transforming businesses, and its dynamic capabilities. Based on the case studies, the preliminary results were summarized first for discussion, and then the conclusions were reached according to the final findings, in order to explore how the strategy selection, managerial processes and dynamic capabilities will affect its financial performance, and then to construct a theoretic framework for strategies and management of upgrading and transforming businesses.
Additionally, eight operational dimensions at corporate level, which include vision and goal, strategy management, innovative technology, talent and funding, business model, niche market, digital information and performance index, were identified and classified after appropriate grounding and processing, for expression of the entrepreneurial spirits, characters and capabilities demonstrated by each Chairman of the six cases, based on the interviews and its study findings. The stronger higher-order dynamic capabilities of sensing change, seizing opportunities as well as reconfiguration and transformation, which are constructed and built by the top management on its operational dimension at corporate level, are exactly same as what the entrepreneurial capabilities stand for. Referring to functions of human body, the management model for entrepreneurial capabilities of upgrading and transforming businesses, and then an integrated framework for strategies and management of upgrading and transforming businesses were constructed in sequence. Usually, when the company has the stronger dynamic capabilities, the entrepreneurial capabilities will be stronger too, and the financial performance resulted from the upgrading and transforming businesses will be better. The management model for entrepreneurial capabilities of upgrading and transforming businesses can be used to form as important contents of the succession plans initiated by entrepreneurs, corporate board, chairman and CEO, etc. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 105355501 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105355501 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000574 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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