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Title: | 中國加入WTO後與巴西貿易變動之分析 The analysis of the trade change between China and Brazil after China participated in the WTO |
Authors: | 王致潔 Wang, Chih-Chieh |
Contributors: | 鄧中堅 Teng, Chung-Chian 王致潔 Wang, Chih-Chieh |
Keywords: | 中國 巴西 貿易關係 原物料 能源 China Brazil Trade relations Raw materials Energy |
Date: | 2020 |
Abstract: | 多年來,因為地緣及政治等因素,拉丁美洲與美國始終是從屬、不平等的關係,美國視拉丁美洲為勢力範圍,而拉丁美洲在經貿、軍事等方面皆或多或少的依賴美國。然而21世紀開始,這種經貿依賴的情況開始為中國所改變,自從中國加入WTO、融入世界經貿體系後,與拉美國家的貿易額開始節節攀升,其政策趨動及經濟崛起影響了全球政經秩序與格局,中國逐漸成為拉丁美洲重要的政治及經濟夥伴。其中,中國與巴西的貿易額上升最為顯著,且遙遙領先其他拉丁美洲國家。
中國大陸與巴西同是幅員遼闊、資源豐富並具有廣大市場的泱泱大國。中國被譽為「世界工廠」,而巴西則有「世界原料基地」之美稱,中巴經濟的高度互補性提供了經貿合作的廣大空間,此外,兩國同屬金磚五國集團(BRICS Group),長期以來開展南南合作(South-South Cooperation)並進行多領域的交流,因此巴西也是中國大陸在拉美地區立穩腳跟的關鍵。自2009年以降,中國大陸超越美國,成為巴西第一大貿易夥伴國,兩國並在2012年升級成全面戰略夥伴關係,為目前中國與拉美國家建立夥伴關係的最高層次。
研究發現由於巴西具備大量中國所需的原物料與市場,使得雙邊貿易額如此之高。究其根本,影響中巴貿易額變動的主因為中國國內的需求,而中國國內需求又受到國際景氣所牽動。雙邊貿易結構主要是中國自巴西進口初級品,向巴西出口工業製成品,且中國自巴西進口的商品高度集中,前三名為大豆、鐵礦石和石油,占中國加入WTO以來自巴西總進口的75%,就連中國投資貸款的標的都以石油為主。一方面,中國為巴西帶來大量資金,但另一方面,又使得巴西第一級產業高度依賴中國經濟發展,且面臨產業結構轉型不易之問題,使巴西對中國的心態十分矛盾。 Because of geopolitical and political factors, Latin America has been subordinated to the United States for many years. However, because of China, the situation has begun to change since the 21st century. Since China participated in the WTO and integrated into the global economic and trade system, its trade volume with Latin American countries has gradually increased and even surpassed the United States. Its policy trends and economic growth have affected this area.
Among the Latin America countries, the trade volume between China and Brazil has in-creased the most, and it is far ahead of other countries. China is known as the “world factory,” while Brazil is known as the “world raw materials base.” Brazil has abundant resources and a huge market that China needs. Therefore, Brazil is an important trade partner for China in Latin America. In 2009, China surpassed the United States as Brazil`s largest trading partner. In 2012, China and Brazil upgraded their relations to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership.
This thesis mainly explores the trade relations between China and Brazil after China participated in the WTO. Besides, it introduces the investment relations and loan relations between the two countries. Afterwards, it analyzes the impacts of economic and political factors on China-Brazil trade relations from the perspective of neoliberalism.
The study found that the main reason behind China’s trade with Brazil has close relationship with Brazil’s raw materials and energy. Brazil supplies China with many raw materials. Those are exactly what China needs. On the other hand, China exports numerous manufactured goods to Brazil. The two complementary economies have a lot of space for economic and trade cooperation. Besides, China’s demand for raw materials is the main factor that makes trade volume change. Therefore, the industry structure of Brazil is deeply affected by the economy of China. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 106253024 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106253024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [外交學系] 學位論文
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