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Title: | 外派人員的再外派意願研究 A study of factors affecting willingness of re-expatriation |
Authors: | 趙文毓 Chao, Wun-Yu |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 趙文毓 Chao, Wun-Yu |
Keywords: | 再外派意願 職涯規劃 工作控制 工作心理負荷 職場正義 Willingness of re-expatriation Job control Job demand Workplace justice Career development |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-06-02 11:13:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 跨國公司對於駐外的人力需求不斷提昇,因此對企業來說,若有長期外派需求,則必需重視影響再外派意願的因素。再外派對於組織來說,將不用進行多次的外派人員評選,外派前訓練所花費的成本也會減低,員工穩定度也較高,對於外任務派成功的機率也會提昇;對於工作者來說,在個人適應及技能的發展也會有所進步,再外派人員不用再重新適應當地生活與訓練,且好的再外派機會也將助於工作者的職涯規劃。 所以本研究主要探討影響外派人員的再外派意願因素,將聚焦於探究個人特質、職場特性及職涯規劃作對再外派意願的影響,以提供人力資源管理策略上的規劃及制定的參考。 本研究採量化統計方法,收到有效問卷共208份,以SAS軟體來分析問卷所得的資料,包含敘述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及階層迴歸分析。 本研究的發現,在年齡、工作類型、外派經驗、外派年資方面,對於再外派意願有差異,而在職場特性中的「工作控制」及「職場正義」對於再外派意願有正向影響,最值的注意的是「職涯規劃」對於再外派意願有顯著影響且高度正相關。因此可以發現基於前述的研究結果,提出建議,包含企業應該對於再外派人員「職涯規劃」、「工作控制」、「職場正義」加以重視,且針對不同的社會人口特性作為外派人員員工評選的考量。 Multinational Enterprises are constantly increasing their demand for manpower stationed abroad. For companies, if there is a long-term demand for expatriates, they must pay attention to the factors that affect expatriates’willingness to re-expatriation. The successful re-expatriation will save the trouble of multiple expatriate selections, reduce the cost of pre-training, enhance the stability of the staff, and increase the probability of success for expatriate assignment.; For workers, re-expatriation will help in the development of personal adaptation and skills required by new jobs Because expatriates will no longer need efforts to re-adapt to local life and training. Good re-expatriation opportunities will also help the career development planning of the workers. Therefore, this research aims to investigate related factors affecting willingness of re-expatriation. This study focused on the relations among Personal qualities, Workplace characteristics, Career development and willingness of re-expatriation. This research adopts quantitative research methods. A number of 208 effective questionnaires were collected and analyzed by SAS software, and performing the following statistical analysis, including Descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Product-moment correlation, and Hierarchical regression. This research finds that age, types of jobs, Expatriate experience, year of expatriation are significantly related to willingness of expatriation.We also observe the significant correlation between willingness of expatriation with Job Control and Workplace justice. Career development planning is the most significant factor positively influencing the willingness of expatriation. Therefore, based on the research results, his study suggests companies should pay more attention to issues of "career development "" Job Control"and "Workplace justice" that expatriates care the most when they make the decision of re-expatriation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 107262004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107262004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000449 |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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